Tristan Thompson got another woman pregnant

by time news

Once a traitor always a traitor. Chloe Kardashian and Tristan ThompsonPhoto: Instagram

This past weekend it was reported that Tristan Thompson, The reality star’s ex-partner Chloe Kardashian, Expecting a third child – this time from a fitness trainer named Marali Nichols. Nicholas reportedly became pregnant with Thompson last March, three months before the basketball player and Chloe broke up (again) – which actually makes clear the fact that he cheated on her. again.

“Chloe was very upset that Tristan cheated on her again and she just does not believe he is going to have a third child,” a source close to the reality star told People magazine. Another Kardashian acquaintance was interviewed by the Daily Mail and tried to deny the matter of the betrayal, claiming that the two parted ways earlier this year – in the spring. “Chloe’s only concern is to maintain a positive and healthy relationship between them for their daughter.” It should be noted that the same source gave his response a few hours before Nicholas gave birth to Thompson’s third son.

The new drama in Kardashian’s life has certainly caused concern among her friends and family, who surround her these days. The one who took the worry and compassion one step further was Scott Disick, Her ex-partner and the father of Kourtney Kardashian, Who sent Chloe a bouquet of flowers.

Not learning a lesson (Photo: Instagram)

Not learning a lessonPhoto: Instagram

Recall that during the last season of “The Kardashian Family”, Chloe and Tristan said that they intend to bring another child, brother or sister toTrue The three-year-old and met with a number of experts and even considered contacting a surrogate mother, just as Chloe’s older sister did,
Kim Kardashian. Although over the course of the season it seems the two have managed to overcome all the difficulties and betrayals of Thompson, who even received the family blessing again, last June it was reported that Chloe and Tristan had broken up. “Chloe gave Tristan some opportunities and when she realized it was not working, she decided to say goodbye to him,” an acquaintance told the Entertainment Tonight website, making it clear that they parted ways in good spirits. Thompson has another son, Prince (4) from his ex-spouse Jordan Craig.

And again without Dad.  Chloe Vetro (Photo: Instagram)

And again without Dad. Chloe and TruePhoto: Instagram

And some more details about the new betrayal story: According to reports, last March and as part of his 30th birthday celebrations Thompson and Nicholas spent time together at a party and then continued the celebrations alone, at a hotel in Texas. After Nicholas found out she was pregnant she informed the basketball player, who offered her $ 75,000 to have an abortion.

Radar Online magazine exclusively received screenshots of text messages exchanged between Thompson and Nichols: “You know how I feel, my feelings have not changed at all,” the basketball player wrote to the fitness coach, clarifying: “I will not be involved in the boy’s life at all. By the way, if you Think this baby will make you some money is a mistake.You know I’m retiring at the end of the season so in terms of support it will be what will be required of me every month, that it’s a few hundred dollars, and not beyond. You will not get anything close to that. ” Thompson for his part denied that he sent these messages to Nicholas.

Thompson further claims that he had sex with Nicholas only that night in March, but Nicholas’ lawyers make it clear that the two had sex for the first time about five months before the basketball player’s birthday celebrations. Lawyers further added that Nicholas came to California several times to meet Thompson and even continued to arrive even after they learned of the pregnancy.

And it does not end there: Yesterday, Nicholas posted a screenshot of messages that Thompson sent her on Instagram, in which he “begged” her to speak. “Can you please stop? Can we talk like adults?”, Thompson wrote, and Nicholas as mentioned took a screenshot, posted on Instagram and wrote: “It’s sad I have to threaten Tristan Thompson and the Kardashian family to get a response. Forget the money, I just want you to be A father to my child. ”

Nicholas was not content with just filming a DM movie and attached a series of stories, in which she wrote: “Full transparency and honesty, that’s all I asked for. The love we did, the intimacy and the fact that I opened up to you … it was a mistake. Never again! I did not ask you to leave Chloe, these were your intentions without any influence on my part. Let’s make it clear. I just want you to keep the promise you made to me, the promise you made to us. “Of the ‘good and perfect life’ when that’s not the case at all. People need to know the dark truth – and they will know.”

Attack on Story.  Marley Nichols (Photo: Instagram)

Attack on Story. Marley NicholsPhoto: Instagram

And we’ll end with the summary of the betrayals, sorry – the novel, by Chloe and Tristan – for the benefit of those who did not follow: Kardashian and Thompson started dating towards the end of 2016, fell in love and like everything with the Kardashian girls – their relationship was disproportionate and progressed at light speed. Less than a year after they started dating, it was reported that Chloe was pregnant – which definitely worried the rest of the family: “Chris Jenner, Kim and Courtney Kardashian were very apprehensive when they found out that Chloe started dating another basketball player after everything that happened to her with Lamar Odom“An acquaintance of the family told Us Weekly, adding:” They had concerns about this relationship. “Kris never expressed her concerns to Chloe – she knew it would put a lot of pressure and tension between them.”

As mentioned, the concern was certainly justified and a few months later, in April 2018 and just before she gave birth to her eldest daughter, the TMZ website posted a Thompson video, flirting with three women at a party. The videos were shot a few months earlier, in October 2017, but if you thought it was over – then less so. A few weeks before the video was released, the basketball player was recorded outside a hotel where he was staying in New York with another anonymous woman, who accompanied him to his suite. The same woman, who was given the name “Stephanie” by the TMZ website, who claimed that she spent the night with him and witnessed, uploaded a video from a sex tape taken by the two – to Instagram.

“None of Tristan’s friends were surprised that he cheated on Chloe and all the videos that were circulated,” a basketball source told Us Weekly after the video was revealed, adding: “Most of his friends don’t think he did anything wrong.” Less than 24 hours after the betrayal was revealed Chloe gave birth to Tru in Cleveland, where Thompson lives and of course the rest of the family caught the first flight and got to be by her side at the moment of birth. We will continue to follow!

The story of a traitor (Photo: Instagram)

The story of a traitorPhoto: Instagram

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