truck crash in south Mexico; 49 migrants dead, 58 injured | Mexico Accident: 49 killed in illegal immigration; 58 people were injured

by time news

Image: Reuters

South Mexico: At least 49 people have been killed in a truck crash while trying to immigrate to the United States. 58 people were injured. Of these, 40 are in critical condition. A cargo truck carrying refugees crashed into a bridge in southern Mexico. Many died after being crushed inside the truck. Bodies were also seen scattered on the sidewalks.

The truck was on its way to Chiapas in the capital. It is not clear what nationality the victims are from. But a defense spokesman said some of the injured were from Guatemala.

Those seeking illegal immigration to Central America are primarily opting for a trip through Mexico. It is common for such immigrant smuggling gangs to travel in trucks. Such illegal trips cost truck employees between $ 2,500 and $ 3,500. Truck crews often drop them off at the U.S. border.


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