Truckers Demonstration | Citizens mobilize against a convoy

by time news

(Ottawa) Exasperated to see demonstrators swell the ranks of the “freedom convoy”, frustrated by police inaction, residents of an Ottawa neighborhood have decided to take matters into their own hands.

Posted at 1:58 p.m.

Melanie Marquis

Melanie Marquis
The Press

Dozens of them mobilized to block the road to vehicles heading for the city center, which has been occupied for 17 days now, and where there was still loud partying on Friday and Saturday.

Ottawa City Councilor Shawn Menard urged his fellow citizens to join the action on a freezing day in Ottawa.

“We blocked the convoy in our neighborhood this morning at [l’intersection de] Riverside and Bank. At the start, there were about 25 people, but hundreds more joined us in solidarity, ”he wrote on Twitter, adding that this does not prevent residents who wish to pass.

More details will follow

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