Trump advocates abolishing the Constitution and the White House calls him “anathema”

by time news

The mogul, criticized for a dinner with Kanye West and a supremacist leader, recovers his complaint of voter fraud, says that the “founders would not have approved”

The law is clear to everyone except Donald Trump. Either that, or the tycoon has decided to play hard with his candidacy for the White House in 2024 and become the apostle of radicalism and of all those who still think that Joe Biden stole the presidency in 2020. He demonstrated it on Saturday with a message on his private social network where he jumped the last red line of American political rules by advocating to dissolve the Constitution precisely because of a “massive fraud of this type and magnitude” as he defines his defeat at the polls two years ago. “He Allows the termination of all rules, regulations and articles, even those found in the Constitution,” Trump wrote on the Truth Social platform.

The message had a very wide repercussion in the political class of the United States on Saturday night and left millions of citizens stunned, accustomed on the other hand to the ex-president’s outbursts. However, many considered that carrying out the repetitive complaints of him questioning one of the fundamental pillars of American coexistence – the other support of democracy, the Capitol, already suffered an attempted assault in January 2021 – is going too far. Above all, because Trump continued to demonstrate that his first tweet was not an uncontrolled slip-up. He later added the following: “An unprecedented fraud requires an unprecedented cure” and “our great ‘founders’ did not want, and would not condone, rigged and fraudulent elections.”

The White House reacted quickly and with great anger. He scolded the former president to the point of stressing that “attacking the Constitution and all it stands for is anathema to the soul of our nation and must be universally condemned,” White House spokesman Andrew Bates said in a statement. Bates stressed that the Constitution is a “sacrosanct document” and sent the tycoon a message that Biden often uses: “You can’t love America only when you win.”

The caliber of the government’s anger could be gauged by the thickness of its epithets, including treating the former occupant of the Oval Office as some kind of tyrant. The official communiqué recalls that the fundamental charter has guaranteed for more than two centuries that “freedom and the rule of law prevail in our great country. The Constitution unites the American people, regardless of party, and the elected leaders who are sworn to uphold it.” In that sense, it is the “last monument to all Americans who have given their lives to defeat the selfish despots who abused their power and trampled on fundamental rights.”

The Democratic National Committee also condemned Trump’s words as “unacceptable” for their ability to “fuel hatred and political violence. They are dangerous”. Senator Brian Schatz wondered, for his part, what opinion the Republican leader’s claim would have caused among “constitutional conservatives.”

From puddle to puddle

In principle, everything indicates that, beyond a value judgment, moderate Republicans will be wondering what happens to the party’s candidate for the 2024 presidential elections. Since his nomination for this race, Trump has not stopped getting into puddles especially deep: his mention of the abolition of the Magna Carta follows the controversial dinner he held a few days ago at his Mar-a-Lago mansion with the rapper Kanye West –vetoed for his praise of Hitler– and the white supremacist leader Nick Fuentes, known for his anti-Semitism, misogyny – he is in favor of suspending women’s right to vote – and defending the theory that the white right should govern the United States at all costs.

The Republican Party is caught at a crossroads. On the one hand, he is urged to respond to the apparent slippage of his candidate towards radicalism, which is leading to a new internal earthquake between the moderate and the most extremist wings. Trump himself sent a message to the former this weekend, describing them as “weak Republicans” for not having supported him in his denunciation of electoral fraud. On the other hand, the party is still calibrating whether Trump will be the right candidate to regain the White House or it is better to look at other possible candidates.

At the moment, several weight representatives such as former Vice President Mike Pence have already disfigured their companies to the tycoon. “Anti-Semitism is a cancer,” recently declared former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo David Friedman, ambassador to Israel during the Trump administration. he was more direct: “Trump, you are better than this. I urge you to cast these bums out, disown them, and relegate them to the dustbin of history where they belong.”

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