Trump and the “huge announcement” pressing on Biden

by time news – Trump announces the “huge announcement”, sets the date (“November 15) and the place (” a Mar-a-Lago “). What will the “great announcement” ever be? At this point it is the secret of a saying but not said, the revenge. He wants to go back to the White House.

Trump is ahead of his time, is setting the pace, trying to blaze what he considers his ‘natural’ opponent among the dem, Joe Biden, and to corner the enemy inside, Republican Ron DeSantis, governor of Florida. After days of zigzagging, allusions, promises and expectations, Trump is preparing for the move that puts everyone in front of his candidacy for the White House. America 2024 is incorporated into Midterm 2022 like never before. And Trump has never stopped running, practicing the profession of ‘displacement’, chasing the presidency he lost in 2020, in a vote that for him – and not a few of his fans – is ‘rigged’. In reality, Trump, thinking about the White House, played the game of cat and mouse, having in mind the proverb that always quoted Deng Xiaoping: “It doesn’t matter if the cat is black or white, the important thing is that it catches the mouse”.

The reasons for the announcement

Trump waited on the eve of the Midterm vote to bring out his return to the field for at least a couple of good reasons:

1. Anticipates Biden and puts him in the position of the one who must now dissolve his doubts, the president is forced to pursue his most likely opponent, he cannot appear indecisive, hesitant. Biden, if he decides to run, he will have to do it now;

2. Puts the Republican Party in front of the elephant in the glassware. In the Gop Trump is the one who ‘moves’ the base and the money (he collects tens of millions of dollars in donations), no one else has the touch of the 45th president, the conservative base is his. The possible competitors within the party, starting with DeSantis, would be losers from the start and the fratricidal struggle, moreover, would be bloody on the political level, would expose the factions to a Trumpian slaughter;

3. Trump plunges the White House and the Justice Department into the dilemma of his indictment for the events of January 6 and possession of the secret documents in his home in Mar-a-Lago. An impeachment would not be unlikely, but the situation is one of a constitutional spin. Let’s review the story and the unexpected consequences: the Federal Bureau of Investigation – which depends on the Department of Justice – last August knocked on Trump’s house to search for top secret documents taken away by The Donald during his departure from the scene at the beginning of 2020. The fact is unprecedented in the history of the American presidency and the reason is simple: a president in office has never ordered a raid on the home of his predecessor, that is, a political opponent. In this case the load is very heavy, because the former president will also be his opponent in the 2024 elections.


On the political-institutional level, it is a matter of somersault without net, so much so that Ted Cruz, constitutionalist, president of the Senate Justice Commission, has already announced that he wants to use all the powers of Congress to block a possible indictment. Cruz has written a new book on the political use of justice in the American system called ‘Justice corrupted’. Trump’s timing is remarkable, so much so that the Democrats are studying a counter-move that is a dejà-vu: if the Department of Justice cannot intervene for reasons of political expediency, then proceed with the appointment of a third institution, i.e. a ‘Special Counsel’, a way to keep the investigation alive and Trump on the grill. The precedent is unfortunate: it is that of Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russiagate. A failure, both judicial and political. The eve of the vote with Trump’s decision is hotter than ever, the attention of the Americans is high, more than 41 million voters have already voted in advance, a record turnout for the Midterm. According to independent analysts, the Republicans are ready to win back the House, while for the Senate it will be head to head. The scenario is already projected to 2024 and a probable duel between Biden and Trump. The title is easy: ‘Rematch’. Perhaps.

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