Truth Commission delivers almost 2,500 boxes of documents on the Colombian conflict

by time news

2023-05-26 23:28:07

Photograph provided by the Colombian Presidency of Colombian President Gustavo Petro while speaking during the delivery ceremony of the documentary archive of the Truth, Reconciliation and Non-Repetition Commission in Bogotá (Colombia). Photo: EFE

The Truth Commission, which presented its final report on the Colombian conflict Last year, this Friday he delivered all the material that served as the basis, consisting of 2,422 boxes, equivalent to 300 linear meters of paper documents and 140 terabytes of information.

“This archive should be an open book for society to find out the truth about what has happened to us in the country in the last 60 years, in addition to constituting a tool for the defense and protection of human rights,” explained the Commission on the truth.

The material contains almost 16,000 testimonies from victims, relatives and actors in the conflict1,679 documents between cases and reports that organizations and other entities delivered to the Commission and almost 600 external sources that this body used to investigate the acts committed during the armed conflict and prepare the report in five years of work.

With this delivery, the former president of the Commission, the priest Francisco de Roux, considered “liquidated the Truth Commission.”

“For 1,200 days we were searching for the truth of the human being and of life led by questions about clarifying the truth in the conflict,” he said.

Of Roux defended the conclusions and recommendations published a year ago, alleging that they are precepts that lead to a dilemma: “if we do this, there is a future; if we do not do it, we are condemned to continue in the human tragedy that is Colombia in the eyes of the world.”

This physical and electronic documentation was delivered to the General Archive of the Nation in an act in which the Colombian President Gustavo Petrorepresentatives of the international community and other institutions that emerged from the peace agreement with the FARC, such as the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP).

Ruled by criminals

Petro, for his part, said that “the fight for the truth appears as a priority” and regretted that documents such as the final report and what it reveals, which are issues “that have to do with the construction of the Colombian nation, that is, In the long term, they end up isolated from the public opinion of the immediate society”.

In this sense, he recalled what was revealed by the former paramilitary chief Salvatore Mancuso last week in four days of unique hearings before the JEP, which is considering whether to include him in its transitional justice system.

“He confessed that sections of the State ordered the murder, protected criminals, that undoubtedly there was a system of judicial protection for great crime because it comes from great power, he named the people, he gave it proper names,” recalled the President, who lamented that Despite the seriousness of what was revealed, there were no mobilizations.

“Millions of people did not feel sensitive to the fact that they have been ruled by great criminals,” he lamented, and assured that people did not go out to protest on the streets “because society has been desensitized to the truth”, in “another way technique of the media story so that society can continue to be governed by crime”.

According to Petro“Crime also has a purpose: It is not that they wanted to kill the people to kill them, but to terrorize them in such a way that they stop stealing from the State. The other side of genocide is business,” he said.

This surrender, and the final closure of the Truth Commission, occurs at a time, according to Father De Roux, “very difficult” because “we are on the verge of turning back or making a leap towards the country based on the truth and not repetition (…) and thus protect life,” he added.

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