Try the first phase! “MitoQ” breast cancer drug Reduce the spread – the chance of recurrence : PPTVHD36

by time news

Although cancers can be detected early, some cancers can be more deadly than others. For example, HERS or Triple Negative (TNBC) breast cancer is found in 10-15% of all breast cancer cases

Breast cancer is a disease that affects 1,000 people a year in Belgium. And the number of cases worldwide stands at 225,000, about half of whom will relapse and spread to other organs.

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without their treatment being effective. There is currently no treatment that can prevent this breast cancer. and patients with triple negative breast cancer There is only 1 in 10 chance of being lost.

Currently, breast cancer is not categorized only by the characteristics of the cells it finds. But they are also classified by their expression characteristics according to the expression of estrogen receptors and progesterone receptors. Progesterone receptors on the nucleus and human epidermal growth factor receptor (HER2) on the cell membrane.

However, triple negative breast cancer patients It is a severe type of breast cancer that is difficult to detect, and often does not benefit from hormonal therapy or targeted cancer drugs. For this reason, the development of drugs for this group of patients is still very important. to increase survival and improve the quality of life of these patients

In 2014, Pierre D’Sonvain, a researcher at the University of Louvain, conducted a clinical study and found that experiments inhibited the spread of cancer cells in mice. However, at that time, the only test was a molecule. Still far from being a drug

since then Researchers from the University of Leuven and his team are continuing their research. until successfully proved that The developed drug “MitoQ” was able to inhibit proliferation of breast cancer cells by 80% and reduce breast cancer recurrence by 75%. Conversely, most of the untreated mice returned. Cancer again and again

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In an experiment, the researchers treated mice affected by human breast cancer. They used the same treatment for mice as hospital patients, using surgery and chemotherapy. It is also added to the treatment with the drug “MitoQ”, which is not only compatible with chemotherapy But it also showed that this innovative treatment prevented relapse and spread of breast cancer in lab rats.

“The effect of preventing cancer recurrence It was totally unexpected. Getting these kinds of results is a huge motivation for us to keep going,” said Pierre Sonveaux.

discovery of this new drug This is an important step forward. This is because the three main causes of death from breast cancer are 1) recurrence, 2) metastasis, and 3) treatment resistance. Can act like “MitoQ”

“MythQ” how it works

Cancer consists of two types of cancer cells: 1) cells that multiply and are susceptible to clinical treatment, and 2) cells that are dormant and have to wait. Such cells are more dangerous than problems. Because these cancer stem cells are resistant to clinical treatment. resulting in spread and if surgery cannot remove all of the cancer It may cause recurrence.

these exacerbations must be treated using chemotherapy However, this method is often ineffective because of resistance to treatment developed by tumor cells. This is the source of important discoveries of scientists. “MythQ” It inhibits the proliferation of cancer stem cells.

Try the first phase!

next step of “MythQ”

“MitoQ” has successfully passed its first clinical trial. It has been tested on healthy patients, both males and females. and proven to be mildly toxic, with nausea and vomiting.

However, this experiment gave further insight as to what to do next. The discovery was made by researchers at the University of Leuven. It paves the way for phase II clinical trials to demonstrate the efficacy of the new treatment in cancer patients.

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