Tshisekedi inspects works at the finishing stage – acpcongo

by time news

Kinshasa, 09 avril 2023(ACP).- Some works under construction in Kinshasa, as part of the 9th Games of La Francophonie inspected on Saturday by President Félix Tshisekedi, at the Stade des Martyrs de la République Démocratique du Congo, are at the finishing stage, learned on Sunday. the ACP from a source in the Presidency.

“The President of the Republic, Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo, began his rounds with the Martyrs stadium where he took the time to be explained, models in support, the works already carried out with the assistance of the Congolese Agency des Grands Travaux (ACGT). It shows that the rate of execution of the works is at 80% and that we are currently at the finishing stage”, the source said.

On this site, Félix Tshisekedi inspected, in turn, the twin gymnasium, two grounds reserved for competitions for a capacity of 3000 and 2000 seats, as well as the rehabilitated basketball stadium.

It appears, according to the source, that “The work execution rate is at 80% and we are currently at the finishing stage. All that remains is the installation of the central air conditioning, the equipment ordered from outside is expected in the coming weeks”.

“By the end of May at the latest, everything could be done”, entrusted one of the service providers.

As for the second work, the former Basketball Stadium, it is now covered with a capacity of 200 places. It will be reserved for training, it was noted.

However, the source said, “The progress observed on the Stade des Martyrs site contrasts with the stagnation observed at the Tata Raphaël Stadium where work is stalling. The opportunity was given to the Head of State to urge the various service providers to be more self-sacrificing and speedy in carrying out the work”.

1,950 rooms already available at UNIKIN

At the University of Kinshasa, the base of his travels, the Head of State visited a few homes intended for the accommodation of athletes. Here, the level of execution of the work is around 85%.

However, the infrastructures already rehabilitated will have to integrate the international standards required for the organization of such an event, we learned. This involves the revision of the electrical circuit, the plumbing, the furnishing of the rooms.

A total of 1,950 rooms are already available, ready to welcome the first occupants, out of a total of 4,000 athletes expected in this university space.

It was in a friendly atmosphere against a backdrop of perfect communion with the student community that the Head of State left the premises, to the cheers of a visibly enthusiastic audience.

Alongside the Head of State, we could see the Prime Minister, Sama Lukonde, the Minister in charge of infrastructure, Alexis Gizaro, the Minister of Sports François Kabulo as well as the Governor Gentiny Ngobila.

the 9th edition of the Francophonie Games is scheduled for the end of July 2023 at several sites in Kinshasa. The 8th was organized in Abidjan (Ivory Coast), a city whose mayor also recently attended the unveiling of the Kinshasa Games mascot “Masano”.


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