“Tuberculosis” is a bad disease that can affect every organ. Know fast to heal : PPTVHD36

by time news

World Tuberculosis Day falls on March 24, 1882, Dr. Robert Koch announced the discovery of the cause of tuberculosis for the first time. At that time, tuberculosis spread across Europe and America and was the cause of death in 1 in 7 people. This discovery helped pave the way for the invention of a cure for tuberculosis.

Tuberculosis (Tuberculosis) It’s a really dangerous contagious disease. But it’s not a nasty disease. Because it is a local disease that is common in Thailand.

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This disease is caused by microbacteria. Tuberculosis Mycobacterium tuberculosis can affect any organ of the body, but 80% of it occurs in the lungs. The disease is more common in immunized young children or adults with underlying medical conditions. and can be cured if the patient continues to take the drug


Tuberculosis enters the body through breathing in airborne pathogens. While a patient coughs, sneezes, and spits, the TB can enter the air or spread to other objects.

Therefore, family members, co-residents, and colleagues close to TB patients, especially children, the elderly and people with chronic diseases such as diabetes, alcoholism, and AIDS, should see their doctor for TB screening.

symptoms of tuberculosis

• Patients with tuberculosis will have symptoms of weakness and lack of energy.

• Anorexia, weight loss

• Chills, low-grade fever, often sweating at night.

• When getting sick in the early stages, there is often a dry cough. After that, a sputum cough will begin. When you go to bed, you will have a very heavy cough. both after waking up in the morning and after meals

• A chronic cough lasts for more than 3 weeks, with some severe coughing. There will be symptoms of breathlessness or coughing up red blood clots. or black blood coming out at the same time

• In children, the symptoms are more severe than adults because the immune system is lower.

• Some patients who are still young. There may be no cough at all. Instead, there was a chest pain.

If you have a chronic cough, blood, loss of appetite, your body is thin. should see a doctor for treatment in time If diagnosed with tuberculosis can be cured If taking medicines as prescribed by the doctor and following treatment continuously

After taking all the medicine, “tuberculosis” can be cured.

The main goal of TB treatment is a complete cure to stop the spread of the virus and to prevent TB drug resistance. Although tuberculosis can be cured But there is a chance to recur. If the patient does not have the discipline to strictly take the medicine prescribed by the doctor

In the first 2 months of treatment for TB patients, the doctor will prescribe four drugs: Isoniazid, Rifampicin, Pyrazinamide and Ethambutol. If the patient is drug resistant, other drugs may be needed for effective treatment.

After 2 months of treatment, the doctor will repeat the sputum examination or X-ray of the lungs. If there is a good response, the doctor will reduce the drug to only two drugs and continue treatment for another 4 months.

Delayed treatment, not continuous…may cause complications.

Complications of tuberculosis often arise from delayed treatment. or intermittent treatment with both mild symptoms Or it can be severe to death when TB spreads to other organs, such as a lung abscess, pleural effusion, back pain, and osteoarthritis. meningitis Liver and kidney problems, and heart problems, etc.

Guidelines for treating TB patients

• Take all medications as prescribed by the doctor.

• Patients should separate bedrooms and avoid close contact with others during the first phase of treatment.

• When coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth with a cloth, cover your nose, and spit the phlegm into a sealed container. Then put it in the trash to prevent the spread of infection.

• Eat food from all 5 food groups and get enough sleep to strengthen your immune system.

• Exercise as appropriate.

• Be in a place or a room that looks airy and has a window that can easily ventilate.


• Abstain from alcoholic beverages.

• Avoid using other drugs. that is not necessary to reduce the risk of drug-induced hepatitis

• Avoid traveling in crowded public places such as movie theaters, shopping malls. or traveling in a vehicle with others for a long time

• Avoid pregnancy and use of estrogen oral contraceptives during TB treatment. Because it will make birth control ineffective.

How to protect yourself from tuberculosis

1. If it is necessary to work in a poorly ventilated place To come out to breathe some air during the day.

2. Keep your body healthy always. get enough rest exercise regularly Eat good and nutritious food

3. Avoid being in close contact with TB patients during the transmission period.

4. Wear a mask when there is a risk of being near a TB patient

5. Avoid behaviors that risk HIV infection.

6. Reduce alcohol consumption, smoking and do not use drugs.

7. Health check at least once a year

Finally, what the doctor wants to leave is Annual health checks are what help us screen for TB because TB is not the only symptomatic form. But there are types that show no symptoms as well. Which is very common nowadays that this is not only dangerous to oneself only. But it also makes us the person who infects others. unknowingly as well

Thank you health information from Bangkok Hospital, Phyathai Hospital

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