Tumors, new cases are growing (and will continue to grow), but mortality is falling. Here’s why – time.news

by time news

2023-12-22 09:16:38

by Vera Martinella

In 2023, 395 thousand new cancer diagnoses are estimated, around 20 thousand more than the last survey in 2020. More than one in three cancers is avoidable, but bad habits in Italy are too widespread and the danger of getting sick increases

A few days ago, new data relating to our country were presented to the Istituto Superiore di Sanità: 395 thousand new cancer diagnoses are estimated in 2023, around 20 thousand more than the last survey in 2020. The bad news does not end here, unfortunately . Because the number of cases is destined to grow (according to projections on average, every year, by 1.3% in men and by 0.6% in women).

Because the number of compatriots who have an unhealthy lifestyle does not decrease (or even worsens), i.e. they smoke, consume alcohol, do not practice any physical activity and are overweight: all factors that significantly increase the risk of getting cancer. Because, however, the share of those participating in those screenings for early diagnosis that can save lives is decreasing. However, fortunately, there is a positive note: for many tumors, mortality improves and many patients recover and live with the disease for many years.

A phenomenon that has been going on for years

Why do the number of cases continue to rise? «It is a trend that has been going on for several years and will continue first of all because it goes hand in hand with the aging of the Italian population – replies Francesco Perrone, president of the Italian Association of Medical Oncology (Aiom) -. Cancer in one case out of two affects men and women during old age: the statistics clearly indicate that more or less half of the new cases diagnosed every year in Italy concern a person over 65 years of age. The army of baby boomers (born between 1946 and 1964) is gradually reaching this age threshold and together with the proportion of elderly people, the proportion of cancer patients is also destined to grow. Then the spread of bad habits certainly plays its part: smoking, sedentary lifestyle, overweight, abuse of alcoholic beverages are increasingly common, while the Mediterranean diet is losing ground. But one in three cases of cancer could be avoided simply by avoiding these risky behaviors and following a healthy diet.”

Mortality falling

Why is mortality dropping instead? «Because, in the last 20 years, early diagnoses have increased thanks to screening, because there have been important improvements in therapies and because the level of our assistance through the NHS is high – explains Massimo Di Maio, director of the Medical Oncology 1U of the University hospital Città della Salute Molinette hospital in Turin —. In 13 years (2007-2019), in Italy, 268,471 cancer deaths were avoided and mortality was lower than we expected. A very important goal, which has not been achieved in many other European countries or, for example, in the United States, where only those who can afford medical insurance receive the best care. So today one million people in our country are completely cured of cancer and with thousands of other cases, an ever-increasing percentage, we have managed to make cancer a chronic disease, with which one can live for years.”

The most common tumors today

What are the most common cancers today? «The most frequently diagnosed in Italy in 2023 is breast cancer (55,900 new cases), followed by colorectal cancer (50,500), lung (44,000), prostate (41,100) and bladder (29,700) – says Saverio Cinieri, president of Aiom Foundation —. For all these pathologies, an early diagnosis allows for definitive recovery, when the disease is in its early stages, localized in a single organ and small in size. Discovering a tumor early also means less invasive treatments and, if you cannot recover, living well with the disease for years. For this reason it is very important to participate in screening (mammography for the breast, tests for the search for occult blood in the feces for the rectum, Pap or HPV tests for the uterine cervix, spiral CT scan for the lung dedicated to heavy smokers) which in our country are offered free to those who are most at risk of getting sick.”

Future projections

And which ones are expected to increase the most? «According to statistical projections, in the next two decades, the absolute annual number of new oncological diagnoses in Italy will rise, on average by 1.3% per year in men and by 0.6% per year in women – continues Cinieri, director of the Medical Oncology and Breast Unit of the Perrino Hospital in Brindisi —. The growth that awaits us concerns first of all the most frequent tumors, breast in women (+0.2% per year), prostate in men (+1.0% per year) and lung in both sexes (+1.3% per year). year)”.

How to limit the damage

What can be done to limit the damage? «First of all, don’t throw the screening invitation letter in the bin – reiterates Francesco Perrone -. One example above all demonstrates its effectiveness: the Sof test, for the search for occult blood in faeces”. In practice, with the letter (sent by the Local Health Authority every two years to all citizens between 50 and 70 years old) you have to go to the nearest pharmacy to collect a small container in which to collect a stool sample, then return it and receive the letter with the report at home within a couple of weeks.

«With the Sof test, 90% of colorectal carcinomas could be avoided because they develop from adenomas (or polyps) which take years, on average about ten, to transform into malignant forms: it is in this time window that screening with the Sof allows for an early diagnosis and elimination of intestinal polyps before they have acquired dangerous characteristics and evolve into a malignant tumor. However, it is essential that the Regions do their part (instead coverage has dropped in the last year) to ensure that the invitations arrive: by 2025, screening must be offered to at least 90% of those eligible throughout the European Community. Unfortunately, we don’t have much time and without a major advance in the South we will not be able to reach this goal”, he adds.


Are there really effective strategies to prevent cancer? «Numbers in hand, over a third of tumors are due to harmful lifestyles (smoking, poor diet, overweight, sedentary lifestyle), so each of us could do a lot to avoid getting ill just by following good daily habits, a few rules, at a cost zero – concludes Massimo Di Maio, president-elect of Aiom –. From the analysis of behavioral risk factors, however, it emerges that there have not been major improvements in the last 15 years. Indeed, the data worsens or remains stable: 24% of Italians aged 18-69 smoke (one in four more than a pack of cigarettes a day); 29% are completely “sedentary”; more than 4 out of 10 adults are overweight (33% overweight and 10% obese); only 7% of compatriots consume the recommended 5 portions of fruit and vegetables per day; 17% consume alcohol defined as “higher risk” for health, in terms of quantity or method of consumption”.

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December 22, 2023 (modified December 22, 2023 | 08:16)

#Tumors #cases #growing #continue #grow #mortality #falling #Heres #time.news

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