Tumors, tips on food essential for not losing weight to the sick – time.news

by time news
Of Vera Martinella

Malnutrition is widespread and has serious consequences, but still too rarely do patients receive the necessary nutritional information and care

The relationship between cancer patients and food is often a complicated relationship and still too often the problems are not properly addressed by specialists and patients. A study recently published by American researchers at the University of Kansas Medical Center in the journal Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
. Although the food insecurities of patients and the many side effects of anti-cancer therapies that can disturb proper nutrition are well known, in fact, it frequently happens that oncologist specialists, the patients themselves and their families underestimate this aspect, with serious consequences: even in Italy the the right to receive appropriate nutritional support not yet guaranteed at all.

The many dangers of malnutrition

Few figures take an effective picture: overall about 30% of cancer patients suffer from a state of malnutrition, or at risk of being so, already at the time of diagnosis. And with the passage of time and the succession of therapies, insufficient nutrition becomes a very common problem, so much so that it affects up to 60-80% of patients. Especially when you get to the advanced stages of cancer and if you suffer from certain types of cancers such as those of pancreas, esophagus, stomach, head and neck. This leads to more probabilities of surgical complications, a lower efficacy of therapies, their greater toxicity and worsening the quality of life of patients, often requiring further hospitalizations. Inflammation of the oral cavity, digestive and intestinal disorders, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite these are just some of the most frequent side effects caused by anti-cancer treatments, which can significantly worsen the lives of patients (even those who are cured) and knowing how to choose the most suitable foods can be a crucial support. This is why every cancer patient has the right to receive comprehensive information on their diet from health personnel with documented and recognized clinical nutrition skills, a screening aimed at identifying the possible presence of the risk of malnutrition and, when necessary nutritional support appropriate.

The solutions exist

The US survey shows that although a variable percentage between 20 and 50% of patients have problems eating at the table (with higher rates among the elderly and among people with a type of cancer that affects the digestive system ), nutrition experts are not yet routinely involved in the treatment process and that weight and eating disorders are not always measured correctly. Weight loss is a very frequent problem in cancer patients since the onset of the disease, but it is not appropriate to define it “normal” – he comments Riccardo Caccialanza, director of the Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition Unit at the IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo di Pavia Foundation -. Hospital nutritionists and dieticians are few in Italy, but supporting the nutrition of cancer patients remains a priority: much can and must be done to improve. Excessive weight loss (which should be evaluated as a vital parameter right from the diagnosis of cancer) can depend on several factors: decreased appetite, difficulty swallowing, digestive problems or impaired ability to absorb nutrients, but anxiety, fear and depression can also contribute to some extent. There are many solutions available to doctors (starting with food for special medical purposes) and patients and family members can also do their part by not underestimating the problem – concludes the expert -. Early interception of nutritional problems essential to set up appropriate and effective support.

February 20, 2022 (change February 20, 2022 | 16:04)

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