Tunisian President puts Constitution to vote

by time news
In Tunis, on June 20, Sadok Belaïd, president of the commission in charge of proposing a new Constitution, hands over his text to Tunisian President Kaïs Saïed (on the right). -/AFP

The project, highly contested, including by lawyers whose copy was rewritten by Kaïs Saïed, is submitted to a referendum on July 25.

In Tunis

This Sunday began in Tunisia a very strange electoral campaign, to validate or not, an even stranger text. On July 25, Tunisians are invited to give their opinion on the draft Constitution unveiled on Thursday by President Kaïs Saïed. The text, establishing a strong presidential regime and which explicitly refers to Islam, is the subject of numerous criticisms, including among those who accompanied the president in his transition process, which began on July 25, 2021.

That day, after demonstrations of support in the country, Kaïs Saïed, announced the freezing of Parliament. He had justified himself by invoking an imminent danger linked to a strong wave of Covid and the multiple dysfunctions of the Assembly. He then granted himself the right to legislate by presidential decree and announced an agenda: from January to March, an electronic popular consultation – which proved to be a failure with a participation of 7.5% of the electorate -, the creation…

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