Tuscany, colorectal cancer prevention: centralized screening activity on Ispro from 2025

by time news

Tuscan Region Focuses on​ Enhancing Colorectal Cancer Screening

07 August 2024, 21:10

The Tuscany Region ​is taking steps to bolster colorectal ‍cancer screening, aiming to increase participation and accessibility. The regional council has outlined a preliminary project plan with​ a targeted implementation date ​of 2025.

The initiative will centralize screening activities at the Ispro ⁤Institute, ‌a ‍regional hub for⁤ cancer prevention and oncology. ⁣Eligible citizens will receive invitations based‍ on their personal⁤ health data. Ispro will conduct all necessary laboratory tests through a​ unified regional application.

Furthermore, the project aims to expand the use of stool ‌sample collection kits. Previously,‌ kits were only available at specific healthcare facilities and pharmacies. The new approach will ensure greater accessibility and convenience for citizens.

To ensure a cohesive and effective implementation, a special committee ​has been established to oversee the project’s development.

“Centralizing the entire activity at Ispro aligns perfectly with ‌our ongoing ‍efforts to optimize and enhance cancer prevention initiatives,” declared Eugenio Giani, President of Tuscany. “This strategic move will strengthen our already impressive results ‌in this field.”

Simone ⁤Bezzini, councilor for⁣ the ‌right to health, emphasized the critical importance of‍ colorectal screening, highlighting the need for ⁤continued outreach and encouragement.

The general‍ manager of Ispro, Katia Belvedere, ​expressed enthusiasm for the project,⁢ affirming⁣ the institute’s commitment to supporting the initiative with all available ⁣resources.

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