Tuscany, Easter without visitors costs 184 million euros: “Yet another vanished restart”

by time news

The bill is high again this time: Easter without tourists will cost Tuscany 184 million euros in lost revenue, according to the accounts of the Centro Studi Turistici. “For tourism 2021 looks more and more like a new 2020. The Easter stop – explains the president of Confesercenti Toscana Nico Gronchi – is yet another restart that has vanished since the beginning of the year: among the New Year’s restrictions, the cancellation at the last minute of the ski season and the new red zones, the second wave has made almost 2 billion of tourist consumption disappear in our region. A serious blow for the whole economy, not just for tourism ».

The estimates of the Centro Studi Turistici show how an Easter in lockdown will cost Tuscany over 1.4 million no-shows (in Italy it will be 11.3). A considerable loss, especially if we consider that the Easter holidays, this year, are in fact the only occasion for a spring break, given that April 25 coincides with a Sunday and that May 1st will be a Saturday. “The Easter stop – Gronchi deepens – follows a disastrous start to the year”. According to the trade association, in fact, the debacle of the winter season had already burned tens of millions of euros in turnover throughout the region, especially in the mountain areas of Pistoiese and Amiata.

«Businesses – reports Gronchi – do not see a way out. And the Sostegni decree proved disappointing: the resources made available would barely be enough to cover the Easter losses “. According to the president of Confesercenti Toscana, interventions in favor of companies should be “adequate to the crisis that the sector is experiencing”. But perhaps there is hope: “We are heartened by Draghi’s promise of new funds and the hypothesis of a road map for reopening”, concludes Gronchi, referring to the premier’s prospects.

March 31, 2021 | 20:51

© Time.News


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