TV3 asks for 1,250 euros from television stations that want the signal of the Barça assembly

by time news

2023-10-20 17:10:31

The assembly of delegates of FC Barcelonawhich will be held this Saturday, first thing in the morning, which will be telematic, that is, without the presence of the 4,451 member delegates summonedand whose epicenter and presidential table will be in the Auditorium 1899of the (almost) demolished Camp Nouhas caused some concern among the media and especially among generalist and non-generalist television networks that have encountered the request for TV3well, of Esport3which is the channel that will offer it live since it has disappeared Barça TVabout what They must pay 1,250 euros to be able to receive the signal of the culé appointment.

The controversial closure of Barça TV (the press conferences of Xavi Hernandez usually given live by Esport3) has left the holding of the Barça telematic assembly in the hands of TV3, which, in almost all cases, especially with the Catalan sports newspapers, will offer the possibility of connecting for free to Barcelona fans through the website of these newspapers, which will be provided with a secret key to connect, through Esport3 itself and even through the TV3 website.

High price

When the general television networks contacted Barça, the club told them that they should contact TV-3 and Corpo asked them for 1,250 euros for the ‘clean’ signal, an amount that seems excessive to all those consulted, especially given Keep in mind that they will have no other way to report the event than by paying that amount, since the presence of the media is prohibited inside the Auditori 1899. “Either you pay, receive the signal and edit the images as you want or you do not report the event.” assembly, because we cannot send cameras or journalists to the culé conclave,” said a source from one of the television stations that has requested (and rejected) Esport3’s offer.

The television stations that expected to have the free signal of the Barça delegates’ assembly consider the 1,250 euros requested by the Corpo to be an abuse, considering that, often, a summary of a Champions League match costs between 1,000 and 1,200 euros. “Already in preseason,” says another spokesperson for another generalist TV station contacted by El Periódico, “they asked us for 1,500 euros, another outrage, for the summary of the Olot-Barça friendly, which was held after a meeting organized in Olot and to which we attended. , with our own equipment, to report, but since we refused to pay that amount, we could not report on the match.”

TV3 explains itself

As he himself acknowledged John Laporta in statements to Catalonia Radio, last Thursday, the assembly was held electronically “because it is much more democratic, the number of delegates who can participate increases and, in addition, it represents a saving of 300,000 euros compared to the in-person assembly and if we can save that amount of money, much better.” Despite the response from various partner platforms, the truth is that Barça has been forceful in this case and has not changed its criteria, despite these small pressures.

Contacted with TV3, the regional channel, which fully confirmed the request for this payment to the conventional networks that want to broadcast the assembly “simply because these television stations must share the technical costs, which are not cheap, of a production of this caliber that It is complex, requires many hours, a lot of personnel and is expensive. Nobody does business here, we simply tried to share expenses after Barça asked us for the favor of producing the signal for the assembly,” said an official source from the regional channel, who added, with utmost correctness and kindness: “Share the technical costs “It is a common practice among broadcasters to exchange signals and also images.”

Various routes

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That same informant indicated that there will be three free ways to watch the entire assembly live. “On the one hand, Barça’s YouTube; on the other, the Esport3 signal and, a third way, which could be used by specialized websites, which we call ‘enved’, and which is simply to request a link to connect, for free, with the Esport3 signal.”

In fact, there have been several general television stations that have contacted TV3 to request the signal and all of them have been asked for those 1,250 euros to be able to have the signal clean, that is, without the ‘fly’ of FCBarcelona or the ‘fly’ of Esport3. “As happened with the League title race, a much more expensive deployment than this assembly, when up to six TVs agreed to share costs, on this occasion we do not yet know how many generalist televisions will want to connect or have the signal and edit the images to their news,” the TV3 spokesperson concluded by explaining.

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