Twelve years in prison for the young man who executed the father of a friend

by time news

The condemned young man had acted on the orders of his comrade, who wanted his father dead to inherit his fortune.

Source AFP

A 20 year old young man was condemned to 12 years of imprisonment for the murder of the father of a comrade.
A 20-year-old young man was sentenced to 12 years in prison for the murder of a comrade’s father.

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Lhe Var assize court for minors sentenced a 20-year-old young man who was appearing for murder to twelve years in prison, AFP learned from his lawyer. In 2020, the convict had executed the father of a comrade, at the request of the latter. The comrade, 15 years old at the time of the events, had been sentenced in May 2022 to 15 years in prison by the Draguignan juvenile court for complicity in murder. He had sought, by having his father eliminated, to inherit the paternal fortune.

The author of the execution, who had killed the father with a bullet in the head, will not appeal, said Tuesday Me Laurent Latapie, his lawyer. He had argued before the court that his young client had been the victim of “relentless manipulation” by the sponsor. The sentence, in accordance with the requisitions of the public prosecutor, was deemed satisfactory by the representative of the victim’s concubine, Me Alexandra Granier, and will allow his client, “very experienced”, to “mourn properly”.

The victim’s son did not suffer from any psychological disorder

In the spring of 2020, the police discovered the father at the family home in Draguignan, slumped on an exercise bike in the garage, a bullet hole in the temple. The man had died on his way to the hospital. The investigators had very quickly suspected the son, because of his incoherent declarations, before establishing that he had ordered the murder from a friend then aged 17, by providing a weapon recovered from the family home. He had promised the performer to share the sale price of the house valued at 460,000 euros.

The teenager had carefully considered his murderous project and had sought, for several months, various comrades, trying to convince them that he was the victim of abuse from his father. The psychiatric experts considered that the young sponsor did not suffer from any disorder of discernment at the time of the facts, unlike the shooter whose discernment was altered, according to the psychiatrists, by “psychic disorders” and “neuropsychic”. Apprentice at the time of the events, he had been educated for several years in an educational and pedagogical therapeutic institute (Itep).

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