Twenty milestones and battles that remind us that Spain was invincible on the battlefields

by time news

Since Jesús Ángel Rojo Pinilla published his first work of historical disclosure, seas have rained in Spain, whose self-esteem usually fluctuates between the ground and a few centimeters in height. ‘When we were invincible’ (The Great Captain) has managed to sell more than 100,000 books in seven years precisely with the purpose of reviving pride in the past. Time in which the Spaniards have known in depth the history of Blas de Lezo or Don Juan of Austria and in which the way of looking at the past has changed positively. «A country that denies its past is an orphan country and is a country condemned to self-liquidation. That is why it is so important to recover our self-esteem and tell the truth, ”recalls the author of a collection of works on the heroism of the Spanish, which is now completed with ‘When we were invincible 2: Owners of the world’ (The Great Captain). The journalist from Madrid, at the head of El Distrito television, signs a book with illustrations by Augusto Ferrer-Dalmau and a prologue by historian Alfredo Alvar Ezquerra that narrates another twenty milestones and episodes in which Spanish soldiers and sailors gave their chest. “The balloon was not enough for them. That is why they became masters of the world. That is why we must recover those great deeds, those great battles. To deny so many stories that others have invented to revile Spain, that I think it is necessary to put black on white so that they know the truth». – Has it contributed to changing something in the perception of the Spanish about their history? -The first book was a first step, a book that was at the forefront of others that have helped to open the eyes of the Spanish, in the sense that our history is not an accumulation of failures, but quite the opposite. That we have to be proud of that great past. Our obligation as descendants of these great heroes is to remember them and defend the history of Spain without complexes, without ambiguities, without paying attention to what is politically correct. Because the history of Spain has been so mistreated, its resources so usurped, that I am very proud to have taken that first step in showing that the history of Spain is and will be one of the most important in the world. And demonstrate that Spain has been the nation that has contributed the most to the West in the last 500 years. Related News standard No The forgotten Spanish hero who is secretly honored by the best unit in the US Army Manuel P. Villatoro Baldomero López, a Hispanic-American marine with an Asturian father, was a decorated lieutenant in the Korean War that the Historical Association- cultural ARHEM has set out to rescue – What do you want to achieve now with this second book of ‘When we were invincible? -Well, it is important that, for example, public opinion understands that the largest ocean in the world was called the Spanish Lake because the Spaniards were the ones who discovered all the routes and those who reached Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii, and the most of the islands currently known. People have to know that those who presume to be great navigators, as our cultural enemies, English, Dutch, French, claim to be, were incapable of finding the Spanish routes. The return to the world was a uniquely Spanish feat and made by Spaniards. It is true that Magellan was born in Portugal, but he asked the King of Portugal for permission to become a naturalized Castilian. Jesus Angel Rojo Pinilla. ABC – The fact that the Spaniards have better self-esteem in what can favor today’s society? -It is important that we do not deny our past. Because there is our being, our roots, our way of life. There are some groups that intend to revile our history to destroy the nation itself. Therefore, to have a feeling of unity, people must be grouped in the great deeds of our history. We have to show them that we were the first global empire in history and that we are the heirs of the Hispanic civilization, the most important in the world. That Spain was the country that gave light where there were shadows. If not for Spain, Europe would have been conquered by Muslims and the current Pope would not be Pope. We have to take care of that legacy. That will make us bigger as a society, as a community and as a country. -There are those who directly deny the existence of Spain itself, what is their interest? -Unfortunately there are political movements that tell a story that is outrageous against Spain. The educational system has made the ignorance of our young people greater every day. And they do all of this with the purpose of reviling the nation itself, because some have the self-liquidation of the nation as their objective. And cut up Spain as was done with Yugoslavia. “The statues that are thrown down now are not against Spain, they go against what the Catholic Church is and against the religion that Spain has always represented” – Why are more statues being thrown down now than ever? -All this movement to do away with statues and Hispanic culture comes from radical Marxist movements. They do not go against the Anglo-Saxons who exterminated the indigenous people, but against the Spaniards who brought miscegenation. There is a component of religious hatred that affects the country. Spain not only conquered civilizations, but also evangelized the world, the Pacific, she evangelized above all that which is Latin America. She prevented the Protestant movement from spreading throughout Europe, she prevented Islam from invading the continent. That is the reality of Spain. Those who throw statues now are not going against Spain, they are going against what the Catholic Church is and the religion that it has always represented. These movements want to create the new man, and for this they need to destroy history, manipulate it, exaggerate it, deform it, crush it, replace it in order to impose their destructive ideologies. – Do you think that in America there is also a silent minority that has another vision of the Spanish legacy? -Most people have a good relationship with the mother country, with Spain. There are even Hispanic Americans who feel more Spanish than the Spanish themselves. A lot of. I know them, I trust. The problem is that in order to justify secession at the time, not independence, because those countries were never independent, they had to create a parallel culture. To be able to justify, for example, that Mexico had 15,000 horse carts and that it was richer than Paris, Rome or London, and then fell into poverty. Or to be able to justify that a Mexican from the beginning of the 19th century ate many more calories than one from the end of that century. ‘When we were invincible 2’ Description: Jesús Á. Pinilla Red. The big captain. 268 pages. -Comments in the book that Spain came to be the owner of the world, but today of course there is a starry distance. What are the chances of success, in claiming such a great legacy, for such a small country? -We must remember what we were and be proud of that. But there is also an evolution of history. Empires that rise and fall… Everything in life is changing. The difference between many of those empires such as the British with the Spanish is that, despite the disastrous politicians and governments that exist throughout Latin America, there are ties that continue to exist, which cannot be broken. That conscience, that union of blood that we have, that union of thought, that they will not be able to destroy. The former British Empire does not have that. What does Kenya have to do with London? Or what does it have to do with Cairo, which was British territory? They made a policy of substituting the indigenous for the Anglo-Saxon. Spain, quite the opposite. And all of that still survives today. MORE INFORMATION news If Ian Kershaw: «We have idealized Elizabeth II, in 70 years she has not said a single sentence of political relevance» –What new episodes can be found in the book? -The history of Spain is infinite and, in fact, this book has been a bit longer than the others. I have focused on the axis of the Pacific and on more unknown characters such as Fadrique de Toledo, one of the best admirals in universal history, whip of heretics, infidels and the English and French, or Ambrosio Spínola. I think there is no one more Spanish than him for the simple reason that he took his money and put it at the disposal of the Spanish wars. He risked his life, his fortune… Which shows that to be Spanish you don’t have to be from Spain, you have to love Spain. And that is the great luck that we have: many times we have been traitors, but those from outside have come to help.

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