twenty-two deputies have suffered violence since March 19, says Yaël Braun-Pivet

by time news

Guest of the Grand Jury RTL-Le Figaro-LCI on Sunday March 26, the President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, declared that, since the beginning of the mandate, “sixty-one parliamentarians [avaient] suffered violence, whether in their office or in the mail or on social networks”. According to this count from the services of the Palais-Bourbon, ” twenty two [ont été concernés] since March 19”.

If it is a “massive phenomenon”, marked by a 32% increase in violence against elected officials in 2022, this recent upsurge is explained by the challenge of the pension reform. Mme Braun-Pivet has experienced this herself and announced that they had filed a complaint after receiving a “absolutely abominable threatening letter”. “It begins very kindly with: ‘Hello fat Jewish sow. (…) We don’t have any more zyklon alas but iron bars to eliminate this crap Jude'”and Mme Braun-Pivet.

“I have two pages like that, I obviously filed a complaint”, she clarified. According to the President of the Assembly, this letter presents “the same handwriting” than those received recently by two other elected officials from Yvelines, the president of the Renaissance group in the Assembly, Aurore Bergé, and the deputy Marie Lebec (Renaissance). The author attacked in particular the 4-month-old baby of Mme Bank, ” so small “ and that “can’t run away”. “I never would have imagined that by engaging in politics I would have to suffer anti-Semitism, sexism, verbal violence, sometimes physical violence through our hotlines”underlined Braun-Pivet.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Pension reform: Emmanuel Macron’s inflexibility worries his own troops

More generally, Braun-Pivet castigated the “a few hundred individuals who come to destroy everything” et “undermining our freedoms” outside the processions. “These are people who respect nothing, certainly not human life”, she argued. She also criticized La France insoumise, which “in some legitimate way” the violence in the demonstrations considering that “These people have good reasons” and that there would be a “institutional violence” to which the thugs would only answer “in reaction and in defense”. “It’s amazing as a position”she was indignant.

Also listen Violence against elected officials: a phenomenon on an unprecedented scale

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