Twinkle in a sing | Artemis Diary

by time news

2023-08-27 14:24:00

When at the end of last year the Caimitense writer Evasio Pérez González obtained the Uneac Creation Scholarship Award for Sonnets for his book project Sing to the damn nonconformistsI was sure that the jury had awarded an excellent proposal from someone who has us used to tasting high-carat poetry.

I also knew that the final product was not going to disappoint me, nor the readers. What I did not imagine is that, in a sparkling way, the author of poems for other lives He was going to finish it, after a stampede of motivation that led him to put up, in a jiffy, the complete armor of an intense lyrical notebook, hard at times, tender at other times, and lucid from beginning to end.

Well, that’s what happened with Sing to…already ready after receiving a substantial prologue from the researcher and poet José Alberto Nápoles and on the road that will lead it to the printing press, first, and to the hands of the readers, later.

As a friend of the author, I have been lucky enough to taste it in its entirety before other readers. It is a privilege, I admit, and also a responsibility, because somehow the author of the book expects not only praise and understanding to come from your lips, but also any disagreement or inconsistency found during the reading of the verses.

Con Sing to…, Evasio has hit hard again. His notebook, full of nonconformists and suicides, of men and women who raised the dignity of poetry, music and politics to the stars for more than a century, constitutes a rare avis in the midst of so much soulless and monotonous poetry, unable to understand that true poetry always walks on a razor’s edge, even if it is, apparently, a simple love poem.

Within this whole notebook, I have major and minor preferences. I admit it. Of the first I leave you with one of the most forceful sonnets, For a deal of love onwardsforged by the intense mastery of a poet who, undoubtedly, at the foot of his recently turned 70, seems to write better than ever.

They will live with me from now on/ the rebel, the black, the afflicted,/ the one who was violated by her lover,/ the brave, the tough, the suicidal,/ the one who pushes courage in the revolt,/ the one who screams with her body in riots,/ the one who carries the future and does not let go,/ the one who leaves her skin in the suburbs./ I will write in great detail/ those who cry out for justice in the streets/ with all their honors and chores./ Warriors scented by flowers,/ abused and full of pain,/ those women will count on me.

#Twinkle #sing #Artemis #Diary

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