Twitter to Musk? Accelerate the war between governments and digital powers. And Trump …

by time news

Elon Musk buys Twitter: the consequences of the deal

“I love Twitter”. “You should buy it then”. “How much does it cost?”. In 2017 Elon Musk he had interacted in this way on the social network that, five years later, he just bought. An operation destined to be discussed for a long time and not only from an economic and business point of view. In these five years, many things have changed and it has been definitively understood that social networks are not just social networks. They are also an instrument of economic and political power, as well as obviously communicative. So much so that there are several governments around the world that are trying to rebalance this power.

Musk’s acquisition of Twitter is therefore not just the acquisition of a social giant by one of the richest men in the world. No, Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter also acquires political and geopolitical significance. Twitter, like Facebook, is now a real empire that sometimes even arrogates to itself the right to grant or not to grant the opportunity to speak to the alleged most powerful men on the planet, including the president of the United States. So much so that one wonders if really in the third millennium the most powerful men on the planet are the leaders of the great powers or the owners of these digital giants.

The case of Donald Trump, silenced after the spread of fake news about the coronavirus, teaches. The former president had issued a challenge to the tech giants, whom he considered his real political rivals like the Democrats. It is therefore not surprising that the news of the acquisition of Musk is also having an effect on the policies of some countries, which are carefully observing the moves of Tesla’s owner in the saddle of the new toy.

Twitter, Europe immediately warns Elon Musk. And Trump dreams of returning to social media

Starting with Europe, which immediately intervened on the matter by issuing a warning: to stay in Europe, Musk will have to respect the Digital Services Act which is expected to go into effect in 2024. A regulatory action that provides for, for example, the prohibition of advertisements aimed at minors or on “sensitive information” of users, but which will also allow the governments of the 27 member countries the possibility to intervene and impose the removal of “illegal content” such as hatred, scams or child abuse.

A vision that contrasts with the Total “freedom of speech” advocated by Musk himself, which according to some may be willing to readmit various users banned from the previous management on Twitter. Starting, perhaps from the same Trump. Europe’s fear is that this total freedom of speech could also turn on the green light to fake news, disinformation or violent messages.

On the other hand, suspicions about social giants have been growing rapidly in recent years. As always, when there is great power there are not only great responsibilities but also great doubts. Tech companies have wanted to put themselves in a position where they have so much influence. They wanted to change the world and they did. It is now inevitable that public opinion and governments are wondering whether these companies are using this power in the general interest or not.

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