Twitter will remove the character limit completely

by time news

Good old Elon Musk has continued to suffer, with payments platform PayPal selling, Tesla’s production of electric cars of dubious reliability, and his commitment to filling the skies with satellites with his various space companies. Powerful Verbal Incontinence A few weeks ago he bought Twitter as a self-made Christmas present.

Since then, he has had many destructive ideas that are not suitable for him, but this last one will not leave anyone indifferent. In an attempt to do something we don’t understand, Twitter has decided to remove the character limit on tweets.

As if that weren’t enough, the amount of nonsense you can read per day on Twitter is limited to approximately 280 character boxes. Imagine what your timeline could be with matches capable of writing up to 4000 characters.. At least in Forocaches you can filter content according to the topic of the current post. Will they give us that opportunity on Twitter?

Elon said this in a reply to Alan Ober via Twitter. To give you an example, these iPhone News articles are around 300 words.

Be that as it may, he isExtending his 4000-character tweets into a social network of neighboring communities’ WhatsApp groups might be a bad idea.

At the very least, good old Elon has said he’s still not sure how he’s going to implement this new functionality, and meanwhile, Geohot, the hacker responsible for hacking the iPhone and PS3, has offered to work for Elon Musk for free for three months. I can already tell you that if good old George can’t fix Twitter, no one can.

It goes hand in hand with full HD resolution videos, If your data rate isn’t affected enough by the ridiculous GIFs and morally questionable videos common on Twitter. And don’t forget about Twitter Blue, Twitter’s snoop option, which for just €11 a month lets you remind others that they’re poor, without writing.

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