Twitter’s Removal of Free Access to TweetDeck Sparks Controversy Among Journalists and Power Users

by time news

Title: Twitter Rebrands TweetDeck as X Premium, Imposing Subscription Fee for Power Users

In a surprising move, Twitter has officially revoked free access to TweetDeck, an essential tool for power users, including journalists. The company, now known as X, has directed users to its sales page for X Premium, the rebranded version of the subscription service formerly called Twitter Blue. This decision has sparked mixed reactions among users, with many expressing disappointment and concern over the loss of a valuable communications tool.

Rebranding Effort Led by Elon Musk:
X owner Elon Musk had previously hinted at the change, announcing the launch of an improved version of TweetDeck that would support additional features such as longer posts, Twitter Spaces, polls, and extended video capabilities. However, upon attempting to sign in to TweetDeck, users were redirected to the X Premium sign-up page, which includes a fee of $8 per month and grants paying users a coveted blue checkmark badge on their profiles.

User Frustration and Impact:
The sudden withdrawal of free access to TweetDeck has left many users disheartened. Kevin Grout, a marketer from Victoria, British Columbia, expressed his disappointment, stating that the removal of TweetDeck might mark the end of his reliance on the platform, which had served as an integral communications tool for him for nearly 15 years. Reporters, including Andrew Dyer from KPBS News in San Diego, emphasized the irreplaceable role that TweetDeck played in their daily work, providing real-time situational awareness and the ability to monitor breaking news and specialized topics simultaneously.

Journalists Faced with Limited Alternatives and Suspicions of Journalistic Hostility:
Despite the importance of TweetDeck, some users, including Dyer, voiced doubts about signing up for X Premium. Dyer perceived the changes implemented by Musk as a deliberate strategy to drive journalists away from the platform. Musk’s perceived adversarial stance towards journalism and journalists has fueled concerns among users who rely on the platform for their work.

Impact on Social Media Managers and Power Users:
Social media consultant and analyst Matt Navarra warned that the abrupt shutdown of TweetDeck would adversely affect social media managers, journalists, and power users. The absence of a suitable alternative has amplified frustrations among users compelled to pay for X Premium. Restricting access to X’s API has further limited options for users seeking comparable functionalities.

Musk’s Revenue-Generation Strategy:
Musk’s acquisition of Twitter for $44 billion and subsequent layoffs led to changes in the platform’s moderation policies, infuriating civil rights groups, advertisers, and others. The phased withdrawal of free features and the introduction of a monthly subscription fee for X Premium reflect Musk’s efforts to generate revenue from users directly, shifting away from reliance on advertising models.

Final Thoughts:
The rebranding of TweetDeck and the imposition of a subscription fee have generated mixed reactions among users, especially power users like journalists who heavily rely on the platform for their work. While some users express disappointment and plan to seek alternatives, others highlight the absence of comparable tools and the limited options available. Musk’s decisions and the impact they have on users raise questions about the platform’s future direction and the dedication to serving the interests of power users and the journalism community.

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