Two children of Germany reunited after 45 years – the day the Berlin Wall fell..! | Two children of Germany reunited after 45 years

by time news

After defeating Germany in World War II, the Allies divided it into two parts in 1945.

The areas controlled by Russia were called East Germany, and the United States was controlled by Britain

The regions became West Germany and became separate countries. Berlin, the capital of Germany, was divided into two.

Under Russian supervision, communism was implemented in East Germany, and opposition parties, elections, and freedom of expression were abolished.

A capitalist state based on parliamentary democracy emerged in West Germany. West Germany emerged as a developed country. But East Germany was very backward economically and was reeling under a totalitarian regime.

As a result, thousands of people fled from East Germany to West Germany. They were held at gunpoint by the East German Army.

East Germany built a long wall through the divided city of Berlin. In spite of that, it mercilessly shot dead those who tried to escape over the wall to West Germany.

In the 1980s, the Soviet Union and Eastern European countries experienced economic collapse, and one communist state after another fell.

At the end of 1989, the Berlin Wall came down and Germans were allowed to move freely between the two countries. Separated families reunite after 45 years.

As a result, East Germany was abolished and merged with West Germany. Germany is one country after 45 years

Germans celebrated the reunification with joy. After 45 years, East and West Germany united as one country on October 3, 1990.

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