two factors that make each other worse –

by time news
Of Daniel of Diodorus

Those with headaches often report that too little and poor quality sleep can trigger a seizure. And the opposite also happens, that is, sleep is compromised by the attack

In addition to sleep and memory, there is a close relationship also between sleep and pain. Research has shown that sleep deprivation increases sensitivity to pain, while a good amount and quality of sleep acts as a sort of natural analgesic. When the researchers performed neuroimaging investigations, such as functional magnetic resonance imaging, in sleep-deprived subjects, they observed that the somatosensory cerebral cortex, a region associated with pain sensitivity, was overactive — dice Luigi Ferini-Strambi, director of the Sleep Disorders Center of the Vita-Salute University of the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan -. A figure that would indicate how sleep deprivation interferes with the neural circuits that process pain. After sleep deprivation, the activity of the nucleus accumbens is instead reduced. It is a core that releases dopamine, a neurotransmitter that induces pleasure and relieves pain.

Sleep and headache

One can therefore understand why the reduction of hours of sleep present in modern society entails increased prevalence of chronic painresulting in an increase in painkiller prescriptions. however, it is interesting to note that the painful stimulus is not perceived in the same way in all phases of sleep. A study that we conducted a few years ago in our institute in healthy volunteer subjects subjected to pain-thermal stimulation in their sleep showed that the stimuli were perceived above all in stage 2 non-REM, of light sleep, and less in stage 3 non-REM deep sleep, and even less in REM sleep. The relationship between sleep and headache is very complex. In fact, headache sufferers often report that too little and poor quality sleep can trigger an attack, or the other way around, ie that sleep is disturbed during the attack. Moreover sleep frequently referred to as a kind of therapy to try to end an attack says Ferini-Strambi again.

Pain-relieving properties

Migraine sufferers report insomnia even in periods free from painful attacks, and instrumental tests have shown that the problem is not related to a difficulty falling asleep, but to a reduction in both sleep time and the percentage of deep sleep, especially non-Rem stage 3. Awakening-fragmented sleep and a reduced rate of stage 3 non-REM are phenomena that have been observed in the night before a migraine attack. Since insomnia and headaches can somewhat reinforce each other, they have been performed numerous studies on their interaction with quality of life. Some research has also highlighted how insomnia negatively impacts the results of the therapeutic protocols applied to people with headache or chronic pain – says Ferini-Strambi -. Furthermore, a recent prospective study of over eighteen thousand Norwegian adults showed that insomnia and chronic pain are risk factors for the subsequent development of anxiety or depression. In this network of complicated relationships between sleep, pain syndromes and anxious-depressive disorders, the therapeutic role that sleep can have by virtue of its natural pain-relieving properties.

Psychotherapy and drugs

Clinical trials have recently been carried out that have demonstrated these important sleep properties – says Ferini-Strambi -. For example, there have been trials that have shown how cognitive behavioral therapy, the first choice therapy for insomnia, is effective in reducing the frequency of migraine attacks and also the intensity of pain. In clinical practice it is possible to try to improve night sleep and at the same time prevent migraine episodes by resorting to some specific drugs. And new hypotheses are appearing on the horizon of research on the pathophysiological mechanisms of migraine, one of which sees the involvement of the glymphatic system. It is a sweeper system that has the task of cleaning up the brain from all waste substances, including beta-amyloid, a protein also involved in the development of Alzheimer’s dementia. The glymphatic system works most during sleep, and particularly during deep non-REM sleep. Drugs that increase this type of sleep could therefore also play a role in migraine control.

January 30, 2023 (change January 30, 2023 | 16:17)

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