Two principal dancers of La Scala for research on rheumatic diseases –

by time news

2023-06-20 22:01:13

Nicoletta Manni and Timofej Andrijashenko take on the legacy of Carla Fracci as testimonials of the Italian Foundation for Arthritis Research

Nicoletta Manni and Timofej Andrijashenko, principal dancers of the Teatro alla Scala, are the new ones testimonial of FIRA Onlus, Italian Foundation for Arthritis Research) non-profit organization, which supports independent scientific research for the diagnosis and treatment of rheumatological diseases, which are over 150 – including osteoarthritis, arthritis, fibromyalgia, lupus, ankylosing spondylitis, scleroderma, connective tissue diseases – and affect over 7 million Italians, from children, even with rare diseases, to the elderly. The two dancers take up the baton of Carla Fracci, who has supported the Foundation for 12 years. Nicoletta Manni and Timofej Andrijashenko met her and were able to collaborate with her in the famous Masterclass for the preparation of Giselle as her protagonists, performed before her disappearance in January 2021.

We are very pleased that after the important collaboration with Carla Fracci, whom we all remember in FIRA with gratitude and affection, we can now have two young excellences of the dance world by our side, capable of speaking to a vast audience thanks to their art underlines the Professor Carlomaurizio Montecucco, President of FIRA and Full Professor of Rheumatology at the University of Pavia at the San Matteo Polyclinic. We are truly honored to be able to follow in the footsteps of a true teacher and dance icon even outside of our commitment to the theater, giving support to an authoritative Foundation that performs a vital task for all of us. Indeed, as dancers we know well how beautiful it is to move freely and feel good about your body and how complex and fragile this actually is. We are happy to be able to help draw attention to the importance of supporting scientific research and scientists who work every day to improve the quality of life for all of us comment Nicoletta Manni and Timofej Andrijashenko, a couple both on stage and in life , which the public will soon be able to admire in the roles of Romeo and Juliet at the Teatro alla Scala (June 27 and 30).

Their commitment is also supported with interest by the Teatro alla Scala, where they have established themselves as dance stars and work full-time in the busy Scala calendar, full of prestigious commitments for them, as underlined by Manuel Legris, Director of the Corps de Ballet of the Teatro alla Scala: Carla Fracci was and still remains a source of inspiration, not only in the world of ballet, for her passion, dedication and generosity. An example of art and life, also in her commitment to raise awareness of important issues for our society. The new generations of artists have grown up with these same values, in the wake of his example: for this reason I am happy that Nicoletta Manni and Timofej Andrijashenko are the ones who take up the baton, and put their art and their image at the service of this commitment , and continue with the FIRA research support message.

The commitment with FIRA begins with the creation of a spot to raise awareness of the importance of research and an invitation to donate 5 x 1000 to FIRA, which sees them as protagonists. In the video Nicoletta symbolically interprets with dance the purpose of the research which helps those who experience a situation of pain and constraint due to illness, played by Timofey, to free themselves and return to move in harmony. In Italy there is a need to stimulate and support independent scientific research. This is why we decided to open a national research center dedicated to rheumatological diseases which, thanks to advanced instruments and the work of researchers, will offer a top-level contribution to rheumatological research in Italy, underlines Montecucco. Rheumatology research has made tremendous progress in recent years in identifying the causes of major rheumatological diseases and smart medicines that have helped improve patients’ lives. But many phenomena still remain to be explained and the commitment of research is therefore fundamental.

June 20, 2023 (change June 20, 2023 | 22:03)

#principal #dancers #Scala #research #rheumatic #diseases

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