Two successive Jihlava goals? General partner and spectators at the stadium 2024-03-03 08:19:00

by time news

It’s just that I’m a bit of a soldier in the field. Sometimes I have the feeling that someone in the club would really suit me, like Vaculk and compare the situation with the second-league reserve of Sparta. When I saw the realization of the dark side of Sparta, where there are seventeen people, I laughed. We are not even close to that.

At this moment, you are in charge not only of the sports side of the club, but also of the economy. Isn’t that sometimes too much? Is FC Vysoina a classic editor who would free us up a bit?
I agree with that and I wouldn’t even bother with it. It’s not that I have to sit on all the idols. Because at a time when you want to be really detailed in everything, you don’t want to be shy about it. Because you both need to step down, not work 24 hours a day. Even when it sometimes happens… So I will deal with this question. It is possible that this will change during the spring season.

It would be possible to contact some of the old teammates who have a connection to the club. For example, wouldn’t one of the club’s legends have functional ambitions?
I didn’t notice that. Some of the guys at the club worked in the coaching structures, I thought of some names that I could imagine in leadership. But they are the same people who live in Prague. And it is not an easy day to go to Jihlava. Not that I have my mind set on it. I’ve been used to traveling since I was 21 years old, but I’m tired of it, I have to knock it off. But I know how Mr. Tulis was (former longtime editor of FC Vysoina), who was here twice a week. I’m here when I can, I try to be four times a week. Because we are a family club, you have to be aware of the relationships that exist in it. You can’t just drink, make a decision and leave again and not know how it works here. I have to be able to connect it all.

The alpha and omega of a professional football club are finances. At the pre-season press conference, you admitted that you still failed to sign an important, general partner. How big is the problem?
It is always very important for us to ensure the financial operation of the club, so that we can calmly fulfill and develop the gradual goals we have. Above all, we have the support of constructive actions, which they wrote again, and this will not be a problem. In the spring, our finances will be taken care of. And the meme kept knocking, opening the door to other things. And I know that one day it will be possible.

Do you know anything about the falling entry of the general partner?
We have agreed with our former general partner that we will open a discussion again soon about the possibilities of further support. It has to do with economic words. Someone was on it in covid h, others still stick to it. Enviropol has been doing well for a long time, their support has been really strong. At this point, she backed out, the contract was not even signed until the end of the current year, it ended sometime on the 30th of z. For the years they spent with them, however, they had a huge horseshoe. I don’t remember anyone ever supporting me like Enviropol. And not even in the first league. I consider reopening our union as one of the ways to find a general partner.

Jihlavt football player is preparing for the second league.

And what gave the company?
That’s the big problem. The number of companies that are in the Vysoin is great, but unfortunately they have no relation to the region in any way. You should know that, it’s the protection of the pseknik. I would be able to understand that don’t put your pension into football, it’s ultimately a waste of money. But it would be good to take them to at least another sport, or a whole other industry. And donate to culture, charity, anything… The big company Jipocar ​​at least supports Mr. Prokop, who runs the Dakar. It’s great there. But I don’t see any options that should be there. Hopefully, social responsibility will be raised in such a way that the sport, which has its history in Jihlava, will be sufficiently supported. And for football or hockey, when I will only take the best ones.

So is there no need to look for a sponsor beyond the borders of the region and the republic?
We are also interested in investors from other regions and abroad. One of our co-operations works in America, so we are moving in this direction as well. But then again, it’s about monos and abilities. You can have a hunter from outside the region, but it should be with some connection. So that he knew it here and wanted to chisel. And then he takes me to the club. I think we really need to send it.

Recently, there has been a lot of talk about the growing demand for football, both from the point of view of girls and fans. Only the deaths in Jihlav are sad. How to get people back to the stands of the stadium in Jirskov Street?
These are two periods of time. Yes, football is for someone, it is a kind of theater. Only when you run any show, it’s about finances again. You can come up with a low-cost part-time program, or invest twenty, tens, thousands of thousands in it. You’ll get people excited. Our inspiration was the Day with Enviropol, when those thousands of people passed through. It was talked about, people got a positive result from it. We would love to do it again, npady mme. But there is no external support for that. A company that would say: We will not give you a pension for operation, but when you have such a project, we will support it and finance it.

So what can fans look forward to during the spring matches of the second league in Jihlav?
We will want to make six thematic reports. The first one, on Sunday against Kromi, will be a round trip. We invite people, we will sell a lot of tickets. Let’s see how many people come. We think it’s our goal to beat the press at the first chance. And when we get people here, it’s going to be hard to hit them here. In some way, a good obscuration, so that they will be honored here. It will also be connected with the fact that we perform well. In the end, in sport it’s always about the result.

2024-03-03 08:19:00

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