Two + two permits in Pamvotida

by time news

2023-08-03 20:16:59

Editorial RoomCurrent Affairs

By granting the two licenses, for which a decision had been taken years ago, and by granting two more licenses for floating taxis, the regional authority is trying to solve the “Gordian link” of the Pamvotida lake floats.

At today’s meeting, without missing the confrontations of the factions of the regional council and the reactions from the side of some of the stakeholders, the two licenses were granted by a majority, the regulatory framework was defined and it was set as an additional condition that the floating taxis have a capacity of 10 to 15 persons. These taxis will make separate routes from the boats that run the regular routes and will operate 24 hours a day.

In fact, the Regional Governor Alexandros Kahrimanis pledged to complete the process within September, calling on the interested parties to cooperate in order to end once and for all an issue that creates contradictions within the Lembou community. Mr. Kahrimanis even noted that the proposal for the two floating taxis came from the necessity of transporting visitors beyond the schedule of regular ships, stressing of course that it is a proposal that leads to a solution.

The Executive Secretary of the Region Dimitris Siolos and the Deputy Regional Governor Vassilis Gorgolis made the relevant recommendation, referring to the history of the case, but also to the need to set the framework, while they also defended the tender process and the process of scoring the floats.

According to the presenters, answering related questions, there is no question of the lake’s capacity, as according to a report by OFYPEKA’s executive, there is no maximum number, subject to the simultaneous movement of more than three boats on the same line.

All four interested parties intervened in the process, either themselves or through their legal representatives, who had filed the applications for the granting of the two licenses. There were objections to the scoring and ranking process from the side of the third and especially the fourth, as a result of which the tones rose during the meeting.

The legality of the process was also questioned by factions of the opposition, raising questions about the absence of the Presidential Decree of the Lake, with the regional authority noting that, on the one hand, it is legally responsible for granting the permits, on the other hand, if there was a question of legality, this would apply and for existing temporary permits.

Abstaining from the process were the factions “Public of Epirus” (which voted for the decision on floating taxis), “Popular Mobilization”, “Left Intervention” and “Insubordinate Epirus”, while a different ranking was proposed by “Epirus Olon” faction.

“You delayed, you delayed, you waited in vain for the interested parties to find each other and the reality has overtaken us”, noted the leader of the faction “Kiono ton Epirotes” Giorgos Zapsas, countering, as he said, the weaknesses and gaps in the proposals.

One of the biggest problems of Ioannina was addressed by the leader of the “Epiros Olon” faction, Dimitris Dimitriou, bringing back his proposal for the change of ranking. He noted that the necessary studies have not been done and described the process as controversial. “We will find them ahead of us. The district is being dragged and dragged by some rough and vague announcements. And we consider the classification to be debatable, which will drag the issue back to the courts,” he noted.

“We will not legitimize the process with our participation,” noted the head of the People’s Rally Giorgos Prentzas, saying that there are also problems in the classification and scoring. “Your decisions are the ones that make the community fight”, noted Mr. Prentzas, while the head of the Left Intervention, Zois Galatas, spoke about “measures and measures” that have only to do with profiteering. “The whole process is messed up from everywhere, legally, ethically and politically,” he said.

The head of “Unsubordinated Epirus” Costas Nutsopoulos also called the ranking process questionable, abstaining from the process.

“I want to provide a solution and I respect all of them, that’s why we propose that two get the licenses and two the licenses for floating taxis up to 15 seats, and they will work like taxis, so that there is an insurance valve for the evening routes as well. And I appeal for this to be the last time we discuss the issue”, noted Mr. Kahrimanis, pledging that the procedures will be completed immediately.

#permits #Pamvotida

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