Two types of monkeypox spread at the same time, WHO says Nigerian outbreak is neglected : PPTVHD36

by time news

Medical Genome Center Mahidol University has revealed interesting information about monkey pox both the return of the epidemic virus strain and development of test kits as follows:

  • The WHO says an atypical outbreak of the monkeypox virus is rapidly spreading outside Africa within three weeks, signaling the danger that the virus has changed. All over the world, we need to help end the epidemic before it’s too late to become endemic.
  • The main cause is likely to be the neglected outbreak of the monkeypox virus five years ago in Nigeria.

Thailand adds smallpox as the 56th communicable disease under surveillance

Reveal the differences in the “smallpox” epidemic in Africa and Europe.

  • WHO reiterates that the monkey pox virus is not a contagious virus “through vaginal secretions and sperm during sex” like the HIV virus. but can be contacted It’s “during sex” like a cold or covid, and it’s not a gay-only disease.
  • Some countries have begun to experience outbreaks of at least two strains of the monkey pox (clade) at the same time, such as the United States. The difference in outbreak and severity of symptoms between the two strains is not yet known.
  • Scientists around the world have begun mobilizing the entire genome of 200,000 copies of the smallpox virus to be shared on the global database “GISAID”.
  • The WHO said recently that more than 800 people have contracted the monkeypox virus as rapidly as possible (June 6, 2022) in the past three weeks.
  • The monkey pox virus has an infectious period of two to four weeks, much longer than the 2019 novel coronavirus, likely to have a more severe impact than COVID-19. at a shorter separation distance both economic (problem of having to stop working for months), social and public health (expenses during self-isolation. for a month) if a pandemic occurs around the world including in Thailand

Origin of the pandemic

Nearly five years ago (2017) there was an unusual outbreak of monkeypox in Nigeria. which is far west of Africa An 11-year-old boy was found to develop a skin lesion in September 2017, according to an investigation into an animal-to-human outbreak. The treating physician originally suspected infection with the chickenpox virus, but laboratory tests indicated that it was chickenpox. By spreading to 12 other people, the disease was brought under control. And even more unusual is from 2017 to the present 2022.

“Doctor Lab” reveals information from the CDC. Wearing a mask can help prevent smallpox.

More than 500 cases of monkeypox have been reported in Nigeria due to a mutation in the virus. Many of the patients were men. and many have genital lesions. This makes screening difficult because the blisters are covered under the hood, indicating sexual transmission, which appears to differ from the previous transmission of the smallpox virus, which was transmitted from animal to person through animal contact. sick being bitten or scratched by an animal eat undercooked meat There will be blisters on the face and body.

But because monkey pox occurs in poor countries and far away from developed countries. Therefore, the problem has not been dealt with as it should be. Despite the Nigerian public health request for assistance from the international community for the smallpox virus outbreak, in 2017 there was an unusual outbreak of monkeypox in Europe. United Kingdom and Israel from people arriving from Nigeria But the disease was able to be calmed down.

Smallpox is not spread like HIV.

WHO declares that the monkey pox virus is not a contagious virus. “through vaginal secretions and sperm during sex” like the HIV virus. or hepatitis C, which can be spread through semen and vaginal fluids (There is no information that monkeypox virus is found in the semen and vaginal fluids of infected people.) But it can be transmitted. “During sex,” as well as the common cold and COVID-19, it is contagious through close contact.

Although in the latest outbreak of the monkeypox virus it has spread among men who have sex with men or gay men. It does not mean that it is a contagious disease only among MSM. Everyone, regardless of gender, age, is at risk of contracting the monkey pox virus.

Why is the monkeypox virus making a comeback?

Experts are working on the most plausible explanation for why the monkeypox virus has been able to dodge detection radar in 2017 until it resurfaces in non-African countries in 2022 from infected people. The infection has no history of traveling to countries in Africa. especially Nigeria, it is possible that

1. Certain events, such as large mass gatherings such as the Gay pride rally in Spain, have made it possible for some people to have the smallpox virus spread from person to person. When attendees who contracted the infection during the rallies returned to their country of residence, a pandemic followed.

2. The monkey pox virus, which is endemic, has been spread from animals to humans at regular intervals. Has evolved into a sequence of mutations until it can spread better between people.

3. The monkey pox virus may have been spreading person-to-person for some time but we haven’t detected it.

There are two species of outbreaks concurrently.

The monkey pox virus outbreak differs from the coronavirus we are familiar with, for example, each clade of the coronavirus, whether it is a major strain or a subspecies. For example, Delta epidemic replaces Alpha and Beta, while Omicron epidemic replaces Delta, etc. But the nature of the monkey pox virus outbreak looks like many species can spread simultaneously.

Since May 2022, the entire genome of the monkey pox virus has been deciphered in Europe, the Americas and Australia, in Spain, the Netherlands, Finland, Australia, Switzerland, Slovenia. , Italy, Israel, France, Belgium, Germany, United Kingdom, Canada, United States, Portugal: A new strain of monkeypox virus has been found to have a different mutation from the original monkeypox virus that is endemic in Africa. more than 40 positions

However, in many countries, for example, in the case of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US CDC), entire genomes have been randomly decoded from samples of monkey pox cases across the United States. Between May and June 2022, no less than two strains of the monkeypox virus have been reported concurrently. The first strain is genetically similar to the one currently prevalent in Europe (2022), where the infected has no history of traveling to Nigeria. The second strain was found to be genetically similar to the strain from an infected person returning from Nigeria in 2021 in the US.

The CDC speculates that the monkeypox virus has been quietly spreading in the United States for some time, and it is investigating how many waves of the genome have come in. And each wave has different symptoms of infection or not?

If an outbreak of monkeypox virus occurs in a country that has never had an epidemic, such as Thailand, it is imperative that the genetic code be investigated within a week. In order to know which species of monkeypox is an outbreak of the monkey pox virus in order to be able to manage, prevent, care and treat in accordance with each species that has come into the epidemic and spread in Thailand

WHO reveals the facts “smallpox” when infected, what drugs are used to treat it?

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Medical Genome Center There are two types of testing developed:

1. Develop Massarray genotyping as a preliminary screening test. After a positive PCR test, it was possible to screen for and isolate these viruses that cause skin blisters that are indistinguishable from blisters from early-stage monkey pox infection. together in a single test (single tube reaction).

  • a. Herpes Simplex virus type 1, or HSV-1, is a common blistering infection around or around the mouth.
  • b. Herpes Simplex virus type 2 or HSV-2 is an infection in the form of blisters in the genital area or genitalia, vagina, cervix, heavy soldier, penis, scrotum, etc.
  • c. Herpes Simplex virus type 3 or HSV-3 causes chickenpox (varicella) and shingles (herpes zoster) blisters.
  • d. The monkeypox virus is currently prevalent in Europe, the Americas and Australia with >40 different mutations from the original monkeypox virus.
  • e. The monkey pox virus outbreak in 2017 from Nigeria, Africa, which has not been mutated differently from the original monkeypox virus.
  • f. The human smallpox virus, which infects adults with a death rate of 30% and in children as high as 80%, is now thought to have been eradicated.

2. Fast decoding of varieties in the nature of “Metagenomic”, which can identify all types and types of microorganisms and viruses, RNA or DNA. from the specimen To know what type of microorganism or virus we are dealing with. This is especially true in the case of the monkey pox virus, for which we do not currently have sufficient data to determine which strains are infected and how they mutate for timely care, prevention and treatment. Let’s accelerate the sharing of the genetic code of the monkey pox virus that has been decoded throughout the genome on the global databases “GISAID” and “Nextstrain” (Fig. 2-3,7) for scientists from all countries to use. To join together to stop the spread of the monkey pox virus as soon as possible. To prevent endemic diseases in countries that have never had an outbreak before

Interview with Dr. Rosamund Lewis, WHO Head of Chickenpox Technical…/monkeypox-endemic…/index.html

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