Two weeks after the attack: the Israeli who was stabbed in the village of Pondok died of his wounds

by time news

Two weeks after the attack in Samaria: Shalom Sofer, 55, was pronounced dead at the hospital this morning (Tuesday), after he was stabbed in a stabbing attack in the village of Pondok in Samaria. The funeral will take place today at 1:00 PM at Segulah Cemetery in Petah Tikva.

Lidor super, the son of the late Shalom, shared in Khan B about the moment of the attack: “He stopped by the store, when he got out of the car, the terrorist attacked him and stabbed him in the back and stomach. He was alone there, I reached him after three minutes.”

Regarding the father’s death this morning, Lidor agreed to say that “he was released home, apparently they said everything was fine. At one point one of the wounds opened, he lost large amounts of blood. It happened last night. He tried to fight the terrorist, we were sure it was him, that the strong father Ours is returning to normal, fighting for our holy land. He died yesterday. He was a man of kindness, he was in the container industry for 40 years. Every family he saw that had a problem, they didn’t pay. He tried to strengthen Samaria, as much as possible.”

Prime Minister Yair Lapid: “It was with great sadness that I received the news of the death of the late Shalom Sofer, who died of his injuries two weeks after being attacked and stabbed by a terrorist. On behalf of the Israeli government and the citizens of Israel, I would like to send my condolences to his family and friends. The despicable terrorist was caught that same day, and the IDF and the security forces continue the fight against terrorism day and night. May his memory be blessed.”

Defense Minister Benny Gantz: “Deep sorrow over the passing of the late Shalom Sofer, who was injured about two weeks ago in an attack in Samaria and today died of his wounds. The security system has put its hand on the terrorist who murdered Shalom and will continue to pursue all the perpetrators of the attacks and anyone who helped them. My heartfelt condolences to his family.”

Member of Knesset Bezalel Smotrich: “I am not writing this painful tweet with the difficult news we received this morning as a politician, but as a friend who had the privilege of knowing in recent years a special man with a huge heart who will be greatly missed by his family, all ancient residents and many, many other people. Hello Sofer Hid. Of blessed memory”.

Head of the Council of Ancients, Hananal Dorni: “Shocked and pained by the passing of Shalom Sofer the 14th, who was murdered by a wrongdoer. Shalom was a kind man, upright and pleasant in his ways. It is the duty of the new government to cancel all statements and actions of the previous government that gave hope to terrorism and to stop any thought and talk of concessions to the Palestinian Authority I expect my friends in the new government to change the equation and embark on a determined fight against terrorism at the same time as building momentum and settlement development. Only in this way can the hope of terrorism be extinguished.”

As I recall, the attack happened in the village of Pondok in the area of ​​the Efraim regional division – when a terrorist arrived at the point, stabbed an Israeli citizen and fled. After searches in the area, the IDF and Shin Bet managed to arrest the terrorist and he was handed over to the security forces for investigation. At the same time, a suspect was arrested in Qalandia who approached the crossing and looked suspicious to the security guards, the forces took control of him and after a search found a knife in his bag.

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