Type 2 diabetes mortality: in Campania it has the highest rate in Italy

by time news

Type 2 diabetes mortality: in the metropolitan city of Naples over 200 thousand people suffer from this disease. The death rate in Campania is the highest in Italy with 5.3 deaths per 10,000 inhabitants

Naples enter the program Cities Changing Diabetesthe initiative carried out in partnership between University College London (UCL) and the Danish Steno Diabetes Centerwith the contribution of Novo Nordiskcoordinated in Italy by Health City Institutein collaboration with national institutions such asANCI and theParliamentary Intergroup Quality of life in the cities and over 150 partners including regions, municipalities, universities, health companies, local authorities, sports bodies, scientific societies of diabetes, general medicine and associations for the protection of the rights of patients with diabetes and citizenship.

The announcement was made today during the press conference organized by Health City Institute al San Giacomo Palace in collaboration with the the municipality of Naples and the Campania Region. In addition to the municipal and regional administrations, the University of Naplesthe academic, social and scientific components of the city.

The program, which to date involves almost 40 metropolises from all over the world, aims to highlight the relationship between urbanization and type 2 diabetes and to promote initiatives to safeguard citizens’ health and prevent disease. “Speak about urban health e urban diabetes today it is fundamental and a priority: it is a global challenge, for which cities are called to become centers of innovation in the management and response to epidemiological phenomena in progress. An effective strategy requires a multidisciplinary and transversal approach, in which knowledge, starting from the medical and scientific one, can support public health choices by political decision makers as well as by citizens themselves. There metropolitan city of Naples he is experimenting with this alliance which will undoubtedly represent a model for the whole regional territory to which we want “, he explains Andrea LenziPresident Health City Institute he was born in National Committee on Biosafety, Biotechnology and Life Sciences – Presidency of the Council of Ministers.

Type 2 diabetes mortality: 6.7% of the population in Naples suffers from it. Blame for a sedentary lifestyle and obesity

In the area of ​​the metropolitan city of Naples they reside, according to the elaborations, on data STATEOf Health City Institutebeyond 200 thousand people with diabetesequal to 6.7 percent of the population, a much higher percentage than national average the 5.8 percent of people with diabetes. This data is in line with another indicator that sees the region above the Italian average, the sedentary lifestylewhich has a major impact on the development of diseases such as diabetes el‘obesity: 54.7 per cent of Campania do not practice any physical activity, compared to 36.6 per cent of the national average. In this respect 38.4 percent of the Campania population is overweight compared to 31.6 percent of the national average.

“Therefore, the strengthening and accelerating actions aimed at preventing the diabetes and its complications, as well as to counter the spread of overweight andobesity is critical. In this context, urbanization can represent a dangerous risk factor, which favors the development of diabetes and obesity and worsens the outcomes of these diseases. In particular, some recent data show that the low socio-economic level present in some metropolitan areas can favor the onset of diabetes: this should be a reason for careful reflection in health policies to ensure a real improvement in the state of well-being of the community “, he declares. Pietro BuonoLeader Operational Technical Support Structure Directorate General for Health, Campania Region.

Type 2 diabetes mortality: in Campania the rate is higher than the national one

“Campania has the rate of mortality from diabetes highest in Italy, 5.3 deaths per 10,000 inhabitants, in Naples in particular the rate is 4.9 per 10,000 inhabitants. A joint effort is needed to promote awareness of the value of public health to prevent risks to the health of our communities “, comments Katherine EspositoPresident Cities Changing Diabetes Scientific Committee Naples, Health City Institute. “Today the relationship between health and the environment is central, the increase in the incidence of non-communicable diseases such as diabetes and obesity is attributable to greater levels of urbanization, aging populations, sedentary lifestyles and unhealthy diets. To ensure that health is present in all policies and to ensure cities that are more sustainable, more liveable and healthier, a common commitment is needed between local administrators, Mayors, Regions, Parliament and the Government “.

Naples is the third largest metropolitan city in Italy by population, with more than three million inhabitants, and is undoubtedly one of the most complex in relation to the phenomenon of overcrowding that has created a strong demographic imbalance with inevitable repercussions on the quality of life ” , explains Annamaria ColaoPresident of the Executive Committee Cities Changing Diabetes Napoli, Health City Institute. “Following the health emergency of the last two years, it is no longer possible to neglect the role of cities in determining the health of the population. In fact, the need to rethink urban planning has emerged to favor a new way of living cities, towns, cities and towns. suburbs, reshaping the densification of territories and preventing cities from being the main critical issues in the spread of the pandemic. It is necessary to intervene on urban contexts and environments with strategies capable of orienting choices in the direction of greater health gain, considering the centrality of the person, his rights, his choices, his life context and strengthening the role of regions and local authorities in order to undertake more effective policies that offer citizens more structures and opportunities “.

“It is essential to identify effective strategies to make governments, regions, cities and citizens aware of the importance of health promotion in urban contexts, looking at increasing urbanization with an innovative look, addressing the burden of onerousness that chronic diseases entail, imagining a new model of welfare urbano which will necessarily affect the development and sustainability of cities, but which can only be tackled through greater institutional coordination “, recalls Daniela SbrolliniSenator of the Republic, President Intergroup “Sport, health and well-being in the urban context”.

“We strongly adhere as a municipal administration to the international program Cities Changing Diabetes: We are aware that a collective response to the alarming increase in diabetes in urban settings is needed. From this point of view, local authorities can make practical efforts in the long and short term. In fact, we are already working to make our city more livable and sustainable: health is a common good and we have a duty to protect it, the last two years have shown this. We must not focus attention on delicate pathologies such as diabetes, Naples is at the forefront of health protection “, he concludes Gaetano Manfredi, Mayor of Naples.

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