Types of arthritis and methods of treatment

by time news

Arthritis can affect different areas of the body, the joints of the hands, feet, neck, spine, pelvis and more.

In fact, there are over 100 different types of arthritis and in order to treat the inflammation, you have to work on the cause that led to the outbreak of the inflammation. There are two common types of arthritis – osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. The inflammation can appear on its own or be a symptom of something else.

What is arthritis?

Arthritis is a group of diseases that can appear in the joints of the hands, feet and basically in all the joints of the body. There are places that are more routine and places that are not routine that will usually be a symptom of another disease. Arthritis is a chronic disease, although the treatment alleviates and may delay the disease, but without substantial change the inflammation may return. Arthritis requires regular treatment and a change in lifestyle. The clear example of this is a court typist who writes from morning to night, without regular physical therapy, without breaks and stretching the joints, the inflammation may return time and time again. The severity of the inflammation is determined by the number of joints where the inflammation affects and the area where the inflammation is located.

Knee replacement surgery

Knee replacement surgery is a complex operation performed exclusively by a knee specialist, an orthopedist. In order to perform this type of surgery, you must return with appropriate equipment that includes a computer that guides the surgery, and equipment suitable for the patient and the complexity of the process. Before the surgery, virtual planning must be done, through planning and depending on the complexity of the treatment, it is examined whether it is necessary to operate on both knees at the same time, half a knee joint, a single joint during the operation, and more. The decision to go for knee replacement surgery is only due to repeated pains that interfere with the routine of life, among other things due to recurring arthritis in the knee.

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According to a professional diagnosis of a knee surgeon, it will be possible to decide whether to perform a full or partial surgery, such as half knee replacement surgery. The goal is to find the easiest surgery, half knee replacement surgery is a condition where the wear is only on one side of the knee, the inner side or the outer side. For more details and getting to know experts in the field, go to the website: https://www.drbender.co.il

Types of arthritis

As we mentioned, there are over 100 types of arthritis, but now we will deal with the two most common types: osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

  1. Osteoarthritis – Osteoarthritis is a chronic disease that is manifested as the erosion of cartilage in one or more joints. The disease may appear in any of the joints in our body and is most common in the knees, spine and pelvis – these are organs that carry a lot of weight. The disease can occur due to injury or continuous stress. In the situation where the cartilage deteriorates, the effect is on the tendons, ligaments and even the bones in severe cases. Osteoarthritis leads to restriction of movement and can even lead to various surgeries such as partial or total knee replacement surgery.
  2. Rheumatoid arthritis – Rheumatoid arthritis is a common disease, it appears mainly in the adult population. Rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by recurring pain in the joints, hands, knees and more. The inflammation is a chronic autoimmune disease (a disease that occurs due to the destruction of joints by the immune system). The risk factors for the disease are infections, smoking, genetics and more. The disease starts in the joints and may spread to nearby tissues, lungs and muscles.

In order to diagnose the type of arthritis that exists and what are the risks associated with it, it is recommended to get a professional diagnosis. The treatments for arthritis are diverse, from physical therapy, complementary medicine to surgical operations for the purpose of solving the disease.

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