Types of autism: What is the most severe form and how to identify them?

by time news

2024-02-02 19:23:23

Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) refer to a series of conditions that can be varied depending on the type, that is why we tell you what the types of autism and what you should know.

How many types of autism are there and what are they?

The International University of Valencia explains that autism is not considered a single diagnosis, but refers to a set of disorders that have in common an alteration in three main areas.

The alterations caused by the autism spectrum impact the area of ​​social interaction, communication problems and a variety of “abnormally restricted” symptoms or behaviors.

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These experts point out that the Autism spectrum disorders can be divided into 5 types main:

  • Autism: It begins during the first 3 years of life and may present symptoms such as no or little verbal communication, children who are unsociable or lonely, or who do not show interest in identifying objects or attracting the attention of their parents.
  • Rett syndrome: It generally occurs in girls and is regressive in nature, that is, girls have normal psychomotor development until the age of 2 years, then alterations in communication, motor skills and cognition appear.
  • Asperger syndrome: One of the most difficult or late types to diagnose because the deficit or alteration occurs in social skills and behavior. These people may have problems with lack of empathy, emotion recognition, sarcasm and double meaning, among other conditions.
  • Childhood disintegrative disorder or Heller syndrome: It usually appears at age 2, although it may be more evident at age 10. It has the characteristic of being regressive and sudden. They begin to have motor, cognition and communication problems, but in this “type of autism“The child realizes what is happening.
  • Generalized developmental disorder not otherwise specified: This refers to cases in which there is too much variety of symptoms to be included in a single condition but they also show problems in communication, motor skills and/or cognition.

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It is extremely important to remember that autism spectrum disorders present very varied and complex symptoms that often make it difficult to diagnose them, which is why evaluation by a professional is always essential.

In fact, it has been found that no person who is part of the autism spectrum disorder presents the same symptoms as another with the same diagnosis, so it can be difficult to identify cases and types of autism.

What is the behavior of a child with mild autism?

Various authorities still do not recognize the term “mild autism” as a valid label to evaluate a person with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), however, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention point out that some of the symptoms that can reveal a child with a type of autism son:

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  • Avoid making or maintaining eye contact
  • Not responding when called by name
  • Do not show facial expressions
  • Do not participate in interactive games
  • Putting toys or other objects in order and getting upset if they move them
  • Repeat phrases or words over and over
  • Get irritated with minimal changes
  • Obsessive interests
  • Delay in language, movement, learning, etc.

These are just some of the signs that a person with ASD may present, however remember that each case can vary considerably, and there are many other symptoms to take into account.

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What is the life expectancy of an autistic child?

The Buenos Aires Medicine Magazine published an article that talks about the aging of people with an autism spectrum disorder.

Experts found that life expectancy can be different depending on the type of autism and the degree to which the person presents it, as there are more severe types than others.

One of them is Rett syndrome, in which it is estimated that only 50% of people who have it will reach the age of 50.

However, as has been emphasized in this article, life expectancy can vary as much as the types and symptoms of ASD, so it is important that a specialized professional provides support and treatment to the patient to improve and extend their quality of life. .

Now that you know a little more about the types of autismDon’t forget to observe your family and go to a specialist if you notice any behavior like those already mentioned.

If you want to know more about treatments for ASD, we share this video from the National Autonomous University of Mexico.

#Types #autism #severe #form #identify

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