U-turn: The Labor faction will vote against the Yosh regulations

by time news

Yael Sara Rep, knitted news09.01.23 21:15 TZ in Tevet Tishpag

U-turn: The Labor Party will vote against the EU regulations

Vote against Yosh Michaeli’s regulations (Flash90)

The Knesset changed and with it the parties of the coalition and the opposition. The Netanyahu government, which voted against the extension of the regulations in the previous Knesset, is putting the bill up for a first reading vote. The Labor Party, which voted in favor, this time announced that it would oppose it.

The emergency regulations in the YOS actually regulate the military rule in Judea and Samaria, and without them Israeli law does not apply. In the previous Knesset, the right-wing bloc voted against the extension of the regulations, and together with the Arab parties created a blocking bloc that torpedoed the extension of the regulations. Bennett, fearing governmental chaos in the YOS, decided to dissolve the Knesset , which resulted in the extension of the installation up to 90 days from the establishment of the next government.

More on the same topic

Sticking to the chair: Meretz will support emergency regulations in Yosh


In Meretz and the Labor Party, they stuck to their seats, and voted in favor of the regulations in the previous Knesset – which did not change that much because of a rebel MK like Rinavi Zoabi and members of Ra’am. Now that it is in the opposition again, Labor has announced that it will oppose the extensions of “the Judea and Samaria regulations that will be brought to a vote in the Knesset plenum this evening” because they will “harm Israel’s security”.

“The current government strives to promote the messianic vision of Smotrich and Ben Gvir and endangers the existence of the State of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state,” the party’s statement reads, “Unlike previous governments, who understood that this was a temporary arrangement on the way to a political solution, in the current government composition when the civil administration is enslaved to Smotrich, these regulations They are annexation regulations that are against Zionism. They are the opposite of security, and will allow Smotrich to realize and carry out his nationalistic, messianic and dangerous plans”, you will want the party to turn the horse.

The Labor faction calls on the other opposition factions not to vote together with this dangerous coalition. The Labor Party will fight this dangerous coalition, and will resolutely oppose any step that will lead the State of Israel to become a binational state. We will continue to fight for the Zionist vision of a safe home for the Jewish people.

The regulations are expected to pass with a large majority, not only because Netanyahu has a solid majority of 64 MKs, but also because the state camp faction has announced that it will vote in favor of the bill. Bish Atid are expected to be absent from the vote, so the residents of Yosh can rest easy.

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