UAC: nearly 300 people expelled from a university residence

by time news

2023-05-16 12:03:53

The Rectorate of the University of Abomey-Calavi (UAC) released Friday, May 12, about 300 people from a student residence. The expellees, mostly non-students, were squatting in an unfinished building.

The dislodged are made up of individuals suspected of acts of banditry, children with their parents, sellers of mobile phone products, craftsmen, students in difficult circumstances and the mentally ill. Without authorization, they occupied the BID B building of the Center for University and Social Works of Abomey-Calavi (COUS-UAC), an unfinished structure located in the residential area of ​​the UAC. It is a pocket of insecurity according to Sonagnon Oke, head of security for the UAC.

Sanitation operation in the residential area of ​​the UAC follows numerous complaints received by the Rectorate and the Police. Delinquents have taken up residence in the building to commit criminal acts inside and outside the campus, informs the head of security of the UAC. “Already in 2018, we had discovered 07 stolen motorcycles carefully hidden on the 3rd floor of this building. […] It was necessary that the authorities take their responsibilities”says Sonagnon Oke.

The Republican Police who carried out the operation, found bladed weapons in the belongings of the illegal occupants of the building. The hand was put on an individual holding handcuffs and tear gas. These are working tools of the Public Security Forces, says the Police who arrested three people for investigation.


The Rectorate of the UAC does not intend to bring these illegal occupants to justice. Through its security service, it prohibits them from returning to the scene.

However, the university institution threatens to crack down on repeat offenders. “All those who are going to relocate again [dans le bâtiment], will be presented to the public prosecutor. There is nothing to do. We cannot accept homeless people at the university. They just have to go and rent”storms the security chief of the Rectorate of the UAC.

Regarding homeless students, Sonagnon Oke maintains that they are in small numbers.
The Action Committee for Well-Being and the Environment (CABEN) of the UAC would like the university authorities to provide assistance to this category of learners in difficult circumstances. “That the COUS-UAC can do something for these students. Since they are students who have left far away and who have no place to stay”plaid Francisco Fiossi, head of CABEN-UAC.

#UAC #people #expelled #university #residence

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