UBA wants to position Africa as a crossroads for entrepreneurship

by time news

2023-05-26 10:11:53

The international community celebrated, on May 24, 2023, World Africa Day. The Pan-African Bank UBA (United Bank Africa) did not remain on the sidelines of the event. During a discussion workshop at the bank’s headquarters in Lagos, Nigeria called: “UBA Africa Conversation 2023”, the panelists shed light on the challenges and macroeconomic issues of the African continent. From the point of view of communicators, Africa is a continent with a strong economic impact on the rest of the world. The continent’s daughters and sons can make the most of Africa’s potential if they seize the opportunities.

Belmondo ATIKPO

From Nigeria, Benin, Togo, Ghana, Kenya to Morocco, France, the United States and everywhere else in the world, Internet users followed the discussion on entrepreneurship live and in full by Africa via videoconference. Better still, Internet users had the opportunity to ask comprehension questions directly to the panelists live. This innovative technological feat is a great first to be credited to the Managing Director of UBA bank and the entire banking team.

This World Africa Day was above all an opportunity for the promoters of United Bank Africa (UBA) to celebrate an Africa that moves and wins. The objective, according to the Deputy Managing Director of UBA, is to “sell the Africa destination in full economic growth and full of inexhaustible opportunities”.

The theme chosen this year on behalf of “UBA AFRICA CONVERSATION 2023” is worded as follows: “Making Africa innovative for growth and good”. This theme, which served as a common thread for the discussions in the light of the analyses, has made it possible to arouse the entrepreneurial vocation among women and young beginners. Other themes including innovation, artificial intelligence, entrepreneurship, gastronomy, fashion, employment, gender issues also furnished and enriched the exchanges.

The five women business leaders and owners chosen for their female and managerial leadership seized the opportunity to focus on an Africa with progressive growth. Each speaker, in her field of activity, shared supporting figures, her experiences and her knowledge of entrepreneurship with young people and women about to also embark on business. Happy to speak in front of her peers at the bank’s headquarters in Lagos, UBA’s Africa General Manager, Ghanaian Abiola Bawuah showed her pride in the laurels amassed and the success recorded by the bank in Nigeria. The panelist urged young and female entrepreneurs to “break the ceiling green. There are no more excuses for young people today, they must seize the opportunities”. As little as she knows about entrepreneurship, she advises “young business promoters to be patient, disciplined. The efforts of today will produce the fruits of tomorrow”. To creators as a categorical imperative to achieve results, she says: “you have to set goals and give yourself the means to achieve your vision”. She concludes on a note of exhortation: “you have to find out about the opportunities. Success is defined as potential awaiting opportunities”.

Following him, Ilda DASSI, businesswoman, actress, TV presenter and restaurateur presented to the audience and Internet users the reasons for her success in the field of gastronomy. It now achieves turnover and record sales ranging from 2,500 food dishes per day. This very profitable business has enabled him to position himself as a leader in the field of gastronomy. Thanks to her company MYFOODILDA, she provides catering services during major events in Nigeria. It has trained around 3,000 apprentices in the culinary arts. That’s not all. During the health period of COVID, Ilda DASSI made her heart of love speak by offering 3000 hot meals to vulnerable people (women, disabled, children, young people).

Foulichon GBADAMASSI also lifted a corner of the veil on his income-generating activities, which allowed him today to be cited as an example. It innovates and brings creativity to ICT. She asked women, young people to dare like her. It encourages apprentice business promoters to take risks. “He who risks nothing, has nothing,” she advised.

Panelist Banké Koulasson who has succeeded in the fashion, design and clothing sectors spoke about her experience and knowledge. She encourages young people to get involved in fashion. According to her, “fashion is a profession that leads to self-employment and autonomy”.

Owen, female entrepreneur, invited young people and women to take the plunge into entrepreneurship to change their fixed position on the job market. The implementation of its innovative ideas will have the effect, in the short, medium and long term, of provoking emulation and audacity among young designers.

It was a great opportunity for the UBA bank to present its many products to customers. The banking operation of loan or social assistance called “TONY ÉLU ME LU” makes it possible to make loans at a very advantageous repayment rate. The UBA bank also has a social concern by supporting women and young people without means in self-employment and financial empowerment.

United Bank Africa is present in 54 African countries and collaborates well with the state officials of its countries. It offers the best savings and loan guarantees. Its creation dates back to 1949.

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