UCM proposes a “new deal” with science at an international meeting

by time news

2023-06-16 16:55:56

The Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Studies at the Universidad Católica del Maule, Hernán Maureira, said that universities must evaluate research from dimensions other than the merely quantitative one, during a conference held in Colombia.

A “new deal” with science was proposed by the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Studies at the Catholic University of Maule (UCM), Hernán Maureira, during a meeting organized by the Inter-University Development Center (CINDA), which integrates 37 higher education institutions. in Latin America.

The meeting, which annually convenes the vice-chancellors for research and innovation belonging to the network, took place at the Universidad del Norte de Barranquilla, in Colombia.

“We need a new deal with science and that is how I expressed it. The space where research is seen only from the quantitative point of view is running out. The economic resources that are invested are usually measured through the impact of publications in certain highly prestigious indexed journals, but we must also look at them from the social sciences and see how to include different dimensions such as art and social sciences in that same evaluation. . That is very enriching,” said the authority.

Among the objectives of the eleventh version of the forum, which included the participation of entities such as the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, the Università degli Studi di Genova and the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, included the recognition of areas of collaboration, such as technology transfer, the university-industry relationship and open science.

“This instance allows us to agree on the concerns that universities have regarding research management. A global problem is how we transform research practices in a culture, in order to contribute from the sciences to solving more local problems or dilemmas”, said Maureira, PhD in Physical Activity and Health Sciences.

A similar opinion was expressed by the director of CINDA’s University Policy and Management Program, Soledad Aravena.

“Universities see as an important challenge acting together to enhance their research work, for example, promoting group applications to international funds in thematic areas of shared interest. They also see the need to enrich the skills of researchers to perform various tasks that are relevant in this field today (…) and the challenge of building systems and tools that allow balancing the role of the researcher with the teaching function of academics is posed” , he asserted.

The UCM joined the network last October, within the framework of a board of directors that the organization held in Montevideo. “The University has grown significantly and the challenge now is to consolidate that growth and give it a strong foundation in the international arena,” said rector Claudio Rojas on that occasion.

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