Uepa publishes list of those approved in the 2024 Selection Process

by time news

With 70.02% of freshmen coming from public schools in Pará, the result of the Selection Process (Prosel) 2024 of the State University of Pará (Uepa) was announced on the morning of this Friday, 26th, at the university’s rectory, in an environment full of emotion, with the presence of radio stations to read the list, smell bath and several candidates who made a point of waiting for the results in loco.

Mariana Gonçalves Ribeiro, who obtained a score of 899.73, Arthur Sanches Sales, with 896.39 points, and Henrique Klosouski Santos Drosdoski, 895 points, were the first three placed overall in Prosel Uepa 2024, competing for places on Biomedicine courses and Medicine, respectively.

This was the second time that Henrique Drosdoski tried the Uepa Prosel. With approval in Medicine, the feeling is of reward “for having spent another year fighting”. Henrique is from Altamira, but lived in Belém during the period he studied for the Selection Process. He stated that he already expected to obtain a good placement, but he did not imagine that he would be among the top three overall grades.

“I’m very grateful to know that everything went well, that all the effort was worth it. The expectations for studying at Uepa are excellent, because the dream has finally been achieved. So, from now on, it’s time to enjoy and look forward to the next steps within the university,” he said.

The rector of Uepa, professor Clay Chagas, celebrated the growth in the number of approvals of students coming from public education in relation to previous years, highlighting the work of the academic community to welcome new approvals. “For the university, it is a unique moment. This is a continuous preparation of all of us to receive those approved. I congratulate the approval of more than 3,700 students in the Selection Process, in a year in which our entrance exam had an increase of approximately 12% of registered candidates compared to last year. The growth in the number of those approved from public schools is also a very positive perspective from the point of view of education in the state of Pará”, highlighted the manager, during the press conference that preceded the publication of the list.

According to the institution’s vice-rector, professor Ilma Pastana, the announcement of Prosel Uepa 2024 marks a new stage in the students’ trajectory and celebrates the efforts of the entire academic community. She celebrated the approval of the new freshmen with music, eggs, wheat and a smell bath. “Today, our university celebrates the entry of our new students, both on the five campuses in Belém and in the 18 municipalities in which Uepa is present. I am sure that we will have the result of the efforts of families, our students and our university”, she highlighted.

In addition to celebrating with the freshmen who were in the Uepa rectory, the vice-rector also represented the university’s senior management in a very special visit to Mariana Ribeiro, first placed in Prosel 2024. On this occasion she was accompanied by the vice-rector. director of the Center for Biological and Health Sciences (CCBS), Simone Beverly.

Prosel 2024 data

This year, Prosel had 60,424 confirmed registrations. 3,724 places were offered, in 93 courses, in the municipalities of Altamira, Ananindeua, Barcarena, Bragança, Cametá, Castanhal, Conceição do Araguaia, Igarapé-Açú, Marabá, Moju, Paragominas, Parauapebas, Redenção, Salvaterra, Santarém, São Miguel do Guamá , Tucuruí and Vigia.

In total, 3,670 vacancies were filled, including those made available by the Degree in Music and Degree in Literature – Libras courses, which have Specific Selection Processes, and whose results were also released this Friday. The Degree in Music course was offered in Belém, Bragança and Santarém, with 94 places, and the Degree in Letters-Libras, in Belém, with 44 places.

Of the total confirmed registrations, 57.82% were made by candidates who registered under the Socioeconomic Quotas (CSE); while 11.81% were filled by those enrolled in the Ethnic Racial Quotas (CER) for black people; 0.30% in Ethnic Racial Quotas (CER) aimed at indigenous people; and 30.07% by those who chose not to compete for quotas (Non Quota Holders – NCT).

In the capital of Pará, the most popular courses this year were Physiotherapy, Biomedicine and Physical Education. Among those registered to compete in the Ethnic-Racial Quotas (CER), Physiotherapy was also the most popular course, followed by Physical Education and Biomedicine. Among the Non-Quota Holders (NCT), there are Medicine and Physiotherapy courses, in Belém, followed by Medicine, in Marabá.

Candidates arrived, freshmen left

Among the candidates who were at the Uepa rectory to hear the results live was Júlia Oliveira Pimentel, who arrived at 8:30 am, accompanied by her mother, Roseli, and father, João Douglas Pimentel. Júlia became a freshman at Uepa last year, when she enrolled in the Nursing course, but as her dream is to become a doctor, this year she combined her life as a Nursing student with that of a prep course student.

After obtaining an average of 868.27 points and 980 points in the essay for the National High School Exam (Enem), Júlia was confident. “I always wanted to do Medicine, but I went through a very difficult situation when I signed the agreement and I didn’t get the expected result in the Enem at that time, because my mental health was very affected. So, I decided to study Nursing, also to get to know the life of a university student and so today I have a more mature view of university and I am sure that I really want the health sector”, she stated, before finding out that she had been approved. in the Medicine course.

Júlia’s mother had promised her daughter that they would experience all the emotions of this moment the family had been waiting for together. “I insisted on us coming here. We live in Ananindeua, we wake up at 5am and leave the house at 7am”, said Roseli, who cried along with her daughter, when the radio announcer read her name.

Another candidate who really enjoyed the party at the rectory, to the sound of the band from the Búfalos da Medicina league, was Amanda de Fátima Reis Vasconcelos Alves, who passed the Biology course. She talked about her intense dedication to her studies: “I started studying a lot from the beginning of the year, I left school almost at night and even though I got sick several times because of it, I studied until I was successful. It’s great to be approved and be able to repay everything my parents did for me.”

Pay attention to registration

O registration notice for new freshmen was also published this Friday. The first stage, which is online registration, will take place from January 30th to February 2nd. In-person registration, with the presentation of documents, for students who chose to apply for the Socio-Economic Quotas or Ethnic-Racial Quotas, will take place on February 5th to 6th, while in-person confirmation of registration for Non-Quota Member candidates will be from February 6th to 9th.

With the theme Sustainable Amazon: awareness, culture and actions at Uepathe inaugural class for new freshmen will be held on March 4th, at the Gymnasium of the Center for Biological and Health Sciences (CCBS), in Belém.

Check out the photos from the listing here.

Text: Guaciara Freitas, Marília Jardim, Messias Azevedo and Monique Hadad (Ascom Uepa)
Photos: Sidney Oliveira (Ascom Uepa)

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