UK considers permanent deployment of frigates in Indo-Pacific British media: Preventing China from invading Taiwan is the main reason

by time news

2023-04-21 13:01:57

Newtalk news

The British “Times” quoted a source in the British Ministry of Defense this week as saying that the UK is considering permanently deploying at least one Type 31 frigate in the Indo-Pacific region. The source said: “We must have a presence in the Pacific to prevent China from Some ridiculous things like “invasion of Taiwan””.

The British Ministry of Defense sources added that the British plan to deploy at least one frigate would mark a turning point in the 50-year decline of British military power east of Suez. The British government believes that Russia is still the most serious threat facing the UK, but “China is the epoch-making challenge.” Therefore, the UK must station military forces in the Pacific to prevent China from doing some ridiculous things, such as invading Taiwan.

The British Type 31 frigate has a displacement of about 6,000 tons and is equipped with one MK-110 57mm naval gun, two MK-4 40mm secondary guns, and two eight-mounted MK-41 vertical launch systems for launching ” Sea Receptor” missile. Therefore, “Southeast Military Information” of China’s Tencent website believes that China’s 12,000-ton coast guard law enforcement ship No. 3901 is sufficient to deal with the British frigate.

The “Guardian” reported in March that British Whitehall officials have been studying the possible consequences of an invasion of Taiwan by the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, and Britain’s concerns about conflicts in the Taiwan Strait have been increasing year by year. According to a poll released by the British think tank “Policy Exchange” in March, 38% of the British people believe that the UK should use military force to defend Taiwan once China invades Taiwan.

Further reading:

Xie Buzhi’s Viewpoint “The front-line army leader “forced the palace” Putin is completely soft!

The Russian Lancet missile caught the “big guy” Ukraine’s new air defense 3D radar was destroyed

Criticized for challenging the international order and creating a crisis in the Taiwan Strait Qin Gang: Once China’s land is recovered, it will not be lost again

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