UK: MP accuses British Heart Foundation of covering up role of Covid vaccine in inflammation of heart arteries

by time news

A British Conservative Party MP on Tuesday (December 13th) openly accused the British Heart Foundation, a UK cardiovascular research charity, of “hide” a report that demonstrates the role of the anti-Covid vaccine in the inflammation of the arteries of the heart.

Speaking in the UK House of Commons, MP Andrew Bridgen claimed that a report showing the relationship between heart problems and the Covid mRNA vaccine “was deleted by a cardiologist” who holds a “leadership role” with this foundation.

Accusing it of concealing these effects of the vaccine “due to financial ties with Big Pharma”he revealed that he had been informed, by a “whistleblower, from a very reliable source, that one of these institutions is concealing clear data which reveals that the anti-Covid vaccine has increased inflammation in the arteries of the heart”. “They hide this for fear of losing pharmaceutical industry funding”he added.

Andrew Bridgen even mentions “non-disclosure agreements” of this report or the information written therein. “The head of this cardiology research department has a leading role with the British Heart Foundation and I am very disappointed to say that he has sent non-disclosure agreements to his research team to ensure that this important data never sees the light of day”he said.

Calling it a “absolute shame”he recalled that the UK Medicines and Health Products Regulatory Agency is 86% funded by the pharmaceutical industry, as is “the research departments (…) The poacher pays the game warden”, he said.

The Minister of Health and the foundation defend themselves

The statements of this Conservative MP in the House of Commons quickly made the authorities concerned react. Maria Caulfield, Minister of Health, replied “to the point of view” the Bridges.

She expressed her disagreement, “not only against the content of the speech but also the way in which it derided the doctors, the scientists, the nurses, many of us who worked during the pandemic”. The first head of the sector especially insisted on the role of the vaccine in the fight against the pandemic. “There is no doubt in my mind that despite personal protective equipment, screening and social distancing, the vaccine has been the big difference in the fight against Covid” (…) They saved thousands of lives”she said.

The British Heart Foundation also reacted to Mr Bridgen’s statements. “The British Heart Foundation has no knowledge of these allegations. As a medical research charity, we uphold the highest scientific standards in all the research we fund”we read in a statement.

The Conservative MP has repeatedly opposed the authorization to vaccinate young children, because of the “experimental stage” Covid vaccines. He was expressing his concern about the minimal effectiveness of coronavirus vaccines while having health effects. He pointed out that “Since the vaccine was rolled out in Britain, one of the first countries to adopt it, there had been 14,000 more cardiac arrests in 2021 compared to 2020”.

“Willful blindness” of the government

He also referred to studies that “demonstrate a 25% increase in cases of heart attacks and cardiac arrests in the population aged 16-39 in Israel, associated with the first and second doses of vaccine and not with Covid infection.”

Mr. Bridgen went on to accuse the government of showing “willful blindness” pour “to protect its reputation”. Continuing his speech, he also said that since the deployment of the vaccine, “there have been “nearly half a million yellow card reports” (UK Drug Side Effect Reporting System, Editor’s note).

Comparing this situation to that of other vaccines, he recalls that the injections “against swine flu [qui] were withdrawn in 1976 for causing Guillain-Barré syndrome in 1 in 100,000 adults and in 1999 the rotavirus vaccine was withdrawn for causing some form of bowel obstruction in 1 in 10,000 children”.

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