UK: “Reset relations with Europe… Military cooperation with Germany to counter Russia”

by times news cr

British Prime Minister Starmer on tour to Germany and France
Trump’s Re-election – Responding to Russia’s Threat
Discussion of creating an alliance with Germany, which was an enemy
There is also a suggestion of renegotiating the trade agreement with the EU.

British Prime Minister Keir Starmer (left) and British Ambassador to Germany Jill Gallard walk near the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, Germany, on the 27th. Berlin = AP Newsis

“We will reset our relationship with Europe. We will fix the relationship that the previous Conservative government ruined.”

British Prime Minister Keir Starmer, a member of the Labour Party who took office on the 5th of last month, is working to restore relations with Germany and France, key European Union (EU) countries.

With the aftermath of the previous Conservative government’s Brexit still lingering, the war in Ukraine has broken out, and the possibility of a second term for Donald Trump, the Republican presidential candidate who is hostile to Western European allies, being discussed, this move is interpreted as reflecting public opinion at home and abroad that active cooperation with major European countries is necessary. In other words, in order to control both the possibility of Trump’s second term and the threat from Russia, major European countries have no choice but to join forces.

To this end, Prime Minister Starmer decided to first strengthen military cooperation with Germany, promote the creation of a joint military force between the two countries, and share nuclear missile research centers. He also hinted at the possibility of renegotiating the trade agreement made with the EU at the time of Brexit.

● Strengthening military cooperation with Germany, the main enemy of World War II

Prime Minister Starmer arrived in Berlin, the capital of Germany, on the 27th and made a statement. He emphasized, “The opportunity to reset our relationship with Europe comes once in a generation, and now we have that precious opportunity.” Immediately after taking office last month, he referred to Brexit as a “botched deal” and hinted at the possibility of renegotiating the trade agreement.

Prime Minister Starmer has decided to focus on the agenda of concluding a military agreement during his visit to Germany. He aims to conclude an agreement early next year at the earliest and issue a joint declaration in July of the same year. Reuters and other news agencies predict that, similar to the Lancaster House Treaty on defense and security cooperation signed between the UK and France in 2010, it will include the creation of a joint military force between the two countries and the sharing of nuclear missile research centers.

The reason Britain is cooperating militarily with Germany, its main enemy during World War I and II, is because the security situation in Western Europe is becoming more uncertain. On the 27th, candidate Trump declared, “If I am re-elected, I will strongly pressure NATO member countries to increase their defense spending.” He crudely criticized the current 2% share of many member countries as “theft of the century,” saying, “All NATO member countries must spend at least 3% of their GDP on defense.”

Trump, who was close to Russian President Vladimir Putin when he was in office, is also critical of the Biden administration’s support for Ukraine. He claims that the money should be reduced and used to block illegal immigration. Trump has consistently said, “If I am re-elected, I will end the war in Ukraine, and if Ukraine does not respond, I will consider cutting off weapons.” If the US reduces its support for Ukraine, major NATO members such as the UK, France, and Germany will eventually have to take over the US’s share.

● Lavrov’s Diplomacy Threatens “World War 3”

Following his visit to Germany, Prime Minister Starmer plans to visit Paris, France on the 28th. After attending the Paralympic opening ceremony on that day, he is expected to hold a summit with French President Emmanuel Macron to discuss similar issues.

Prime Minister Starmer and Labour also said in July’s general election that they should consider reintroducing compulsory military service to combat growing security threats. Germany is also considering reviving conscription, which it abolished in 2011. Germany and France have pledged to increase the size of their armed forces.

Russia’s recent actions are heightening security concerns among major European countries. According to Reuters and other sources, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov threatened on the 27th, “Americans seem to think that if World War III breaks out, it will only affect Europe,” regarding Ukraine’s recent request to be allowed to attack the Russian mainland with weapons provided by the West, including the United States. He said, “The West is playing with fire like a child playing with matches,” and expressed his intention to retaliate against the West if it continues to provide support to Ukraine.

Reporter Choi Ji-seon [email protected]

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2024-08-29 03:48:33

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