UK strikes | Half a million workers in the United Kingdom carry out the biggest day of strike in a decade

by time news

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak faces this Wednesday the longest day of strikes in the last 10 years in it United Kingdom. half a million workersand various sectors have decided to go on strike demanding salary increases and improvements in working conditions. Between 23,000 and 26,000 schools will be affected by the plant more than 100,000 teachers. “The less we earn, the less they learn”, is one of the slogans of a day in which thousands of parents have had to ask for a day off or work at home to be able to care for their children.

The staff of 150 universities, including teaching assistants, librarians and administrative staff have joined the protests, which goes far beyond the field of Education. Around 100,000 civil servants belonging to 124 government departments and other official bodies are not at their posts. Transport is also being altered with a strike that affects most trains in England, greatly complicating travel. In London some bus drivers They are also on strike.

Another seven strikes planned

From the National Union of Education (NEU) claim to be ready to negotiate with the Minister Gillian Keegan. “Unfortunately the impact of the strike is going to be felt in 85% of the schools. It was something that didn’t have to happen if the government had been willing to negotiate,” he told Sky News, Mary Bousted, General Secretary of the NEU. In a video addressed to parents, the minister affirms that she has listened to the teachers and has met with the unions on numerous occasions. “We are looking at various issues such as pay, workload, flexibility, behavior and much more.” the amount of work. Today’s will not be the only teachers’ strike that they plan to seven other strikes between February and March.

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