Ukraine between cult of sacrifice, forced mobilizations and suicides

by time news

TRIBUNE/OPINION – On March 10, the Ukrainian State paid a national tribute to Dmytro “Da Vinci” Kotsiubailo, leader of the battalion formed by militants of Pravyi Sektor, the ultra-nationalist far-right reference group, among the most violent in Ukraine. Kotsiubailo died on March 7 on the Bakhmout front.

Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin, Young Global Leader and committed to the World Economic Forum (WEF) attended the ceremony. His presence is an illustration of the unconditional support for the Ukrainian regime from the whole of the West.

Kotsiubailo, this “hero of Ukraine” had already been decorated by Zelensky on December 1, 2021 during a ceremony in Parliament, which demonstrated that the most extreme ideology in Ukraine had already managed to impose itself at the top of the state, and this before the Russian offensive.

At the same time, Ukrainian government officials value the sacrifice of entire families, father and son, showing a staggering view of human life.

This brings to mind Oleksei Arestovitch’s analysis of the supreme valuation of death in post-Maidan Ukraine, as a collective suicidal instinct inspired by the Ukrainian anthem and the Banderist cult of “heroes” who sacrificed their lives for the nation.

Forced mobilizations

At the same time, since the end of January, videos abound on social networks showing scenes of forced mobilization, military handin the four corners of Ukraine, and it seems more particularly in the Russian-speaking regions.

Pro-Russian commentators even wonder if this is not a way to get rid of the Ukrainians deemed most likely to be duplicitous with Russia. In any case, there are obviously not enough volunteers in this country to go and fight. Even the disabled receive mobilization orders. It takes cannon fodder to feed the war machine, down to the last Ukrainian.

On January 25, 2023, President Zelinsky also signed the loi 8271 which reinforces the prison sentences against desertions, refusal to go into combat and unauthorized withdrawal. This is not the sign of a motivated and victorious army.

Probably as part of this new law, at least 34 Ukrainian soldiers from the Soledar garrison who preferred to retreat without waiting for an order rather than be killed or taken prisoner, would today be now imprisoned in Poltava. They risk 5 to 10 in prison. One of them would have committed suicide.

Worse still, on March 6, a video appeared on Twitter, which shows the suicide of a teenager from the Kharkov region whose father is said to have died at the front and who himself had received a summons to join the Ukrainian army. He preferred to hang himself. And he will not have the right to official honors.

The user who posts the video concludes as follows: “The blood of innocent Ukrainians is on the hands of Zelensky and those who prevent peace”.

“The most ???? thing I have ever seen! #Ukranian teen got his #mobilization papers. He just buried his father & says now they are coming for me. I refuse to fight for #Ukranian military. U left me no choice…
Blood of innocent #Ukranians is on #Zelensky hands and those who ????????️ “

We bet that this kind of news will not make the front page of the warmongering press.

Rather than negotiating to save what can be saved, Ukraine seems to be sinking into a terrifying black hole, with the support of the West.

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