Ukraine, Biden does not believe in Russia’s withdrawal: “US prepared, attack still possible. We aim for written negotiations with Moscow”

by time news

The de-escalation has started but is not yet complete. Vladimir Putin gave a signal of relaxation by authorizing theStart of withdraw from the troops from the border and ensuring that he does not want war, but there Then he expressed doubts about a real slowdown of the tensions on the ground. And also the US president Joe Biden he replied with utmost caution, stating that a Russian attack still remains a concrete possibility. The availability of the leader of the Kremlin to discuss regional security, expressed by receiving the German Chancellor Olaf Scholzdid not clarify how the most intricate knot of the game will be untied: the tug-of-war over the entrance to Kiev in NATO. Because Moscow insists, it must never happen; but Westerners cannot accept it, at least formally and in writing, as the Kremlin would like.

And Biden gave voice to the doubts of Westerners but also to their cautious availability: “The US is prepared, regardless of what happens – explained the White House in the evening – a attack Ukraine always remains possible“. For the president, the United States “They have not yet verified at this stage” the effective withdrawal of the Russians from the Ukrainian border, but added: “We are eager to negotiate written agreements with the Russia“, To propose“ new measures on arms control and transparency… diplomacy must be given “every chance to be successful”. “We do not want to destabilize Russia”, she then assured her.

In the aftermath of the announcements in the American media of an impending Russian invasion, in the morning the Ministry of Defense in Moscow had made it known that “units of the southern and western military districts that have completed their tasks” in the exercises at the border have begun to re-enter in the bases. A retreat “Planned”clarified the foreign minister Serghiei Lavrovrejecting widespread alarms such as “Media terrorism”, fruit of “Western hysteria”. For NATO, however, “there are no signs on the ground that Russia is reducing troops on Ukraine’s borders”, said the secretary general Jens Stoltenberg. Which also asked for the withdrawal of heavy vehicles and military equipment. To reinforce Western skepticism came the Kiev denunciation of a cyber attack to the sites of the Ministry of Defense and two public banks. A signal, if confirmed, of a new hybrid attack probably directed by Moscow.

In the meantime, the key event of the negotiation day took place in the Kremlin, with the face to face between Vladimir Putin e Olaf Scholz. The German Chancellor extended a hand, stressing that the security of theEurope “It cannot be built against Russia but in cooperation with Russia”. Putin appreciated, explaining that there are “elements” on which he is ready to work and that “obviously – he said – I don’t want war”. But the points for optimism are all here. The Russian leader, as usual, flexed his muscles, warning that the talks “cannot go too long”. And he has not given up on a tirade against Westerners: “For 30 years they have been telling us that they will not enlarge NATO towards Russia but it has always happened”, he accused, rejecting the thesis that Ukraine’s accession is not currently in place. agenda. “Whether it will happen tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, it will be the same for us, the question must be resolved now”, he warned. On this issue, “there is no negotiation”, was Scholz’s reply.

To overcome the crisis, the chancelleries are still focusing on the application of the Minsk agreements, which also provide for greater autonomy for the Ukrainian south-east. From Moscow, however, there are signs that risk blowing the table. There Dumathe lower house of parliament, approved a request for Putin to recognize the self-proclaimed separatist republics of Donetsk e Lugansk. Between the protests of the EU and NATO. Meanwhile, the heads of Russian and American diplomacy Serghiei Lavrov e Antony Blink they had a new phone interview, Joe Biden spoke with Emmanuel Macron of the need to “verify” the withdrawal of Russian forces. Italy did its part with an interview between the premier Mario Draghi and the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky and with the foreign minister’s mission to Kiev Luigi Di Maiowhich is expected in Moscow on Thursday.

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