Ukraine, Biden strengthens aid Rain of money on Kiev-

by time news

by Giuseppe Sarcina The president asks Congress for 33 billion for military aid and to guarantee economic assistance. The choice of the United States is also a call to the allies: We will stop when the atrocities of the Russians cease

WASHINGTON – Another twenty billion dollars in arms. In one fell swoop, the United States increased the resources allocated to the war in Ukraine by five to six times
. It is a dramatic turnaround. Joe Biden yesterday he presented himself in front of the cameras and explained: We will continue to help the brave Ukrainians to defend their country. We will continue as long as the atrocities committed by the Russians last. It’s still: I know the cost of this battle is not small; but every day, every day, Ukrainians pay a price with their lives.

The myth to be destroyed

There are no indications, there are no prospects for negotiation. The very tough American president: Despite the propaganda spread by the Kremlin, things are very clear. We are not attacking Russia, we are supporting the Ukrainian resistance. Putin has chosen to launch this brutal invasion; now he can decide to stop it. Russia the aggressor, without “ifs” and without “buts”. And the international community must call Russia to answer and will do so. At the Ramstein summit the Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, had stated that the new target defeat Russia and weaken it to the point that it is no longer able to attack other countries. Yesterday Biden added: We will destroy this myth that Putin can somehow continue to act without the rest of the world intervening.

Rain of money

Biden asks Congress to authorize extraordinary spending of $ 33 billion, which would add to the $ 13.6 billion already allocated by the House and Senate on March 9th.. This new package divided into three parts. The largest, twenty billion in fact, will be used, as Biden says, to keep the flow of military means and ammunition constant in favor of Ukraine. Thanks to the weapons we have sent so far – the president noted – the Russian forces have been forced to withdraw from Kiev. The list of devices should remain more or less the same: heavy artillery, armored vehicles, drones, anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles, grenade launchers, machine guns, automatic rifles, radar systems.. The second item is worth 8.5 billion: funds intended for economic assistance. Last week, the Prime Minister of Ukraine, Denys Smihal, attending the meetings of the Monetary Fund in Washington, had quantified the needs of his government: 5 billion dollars a month to ensure basic services. For now, it will collect 8.5 from the US. Third and final chapter: three billion for humanitarian needs and food security. Biden attacked the Kremlin on this level as well: Putin argues that sanctions are blocking food exports from Ukraine. Simply not true. Putin’s war which is preventing harvests and damaging food shipments by land and sea.

Appeal to Europeans

Biden’s speech also calls into question the allies. The president convinced that NATO partners, European partners will pay their fair share for the Ukrainian cause. In a phone call with reporters, a White House adviser announced that the Administration will ask for a proportional contribution especially from the G7 partners. In any case, therefore, the request also concerns Italy. It is difficult, at this moment, to make calculations. But Biden’s flight forward will challenge the ruling coalition led by Mario Draghi, which is already struggling to agree on much more limited arms deliveries. Therefore, the visit of the Prime Minister to Washington, scheduled for next 10 May, is also complicated.

The gas front

In return, Biden promises other interventions on the gas front. We will not allow Russia to intimidate or blackmail our allies, he said, citing the interruption of Russian supplies to Poland and Bulgaria. We are working with other nations, such as Korea, Japan and Qatar, to divert our liquid gas deliveries to Europe. But it won’t be easy.

April 28, 2022 (change April 28, 2022 | 23:08)

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