Ukraine holds peace meeting in Denmark

by time news

2023-06-24 16:43:00

Denmark is hosting a meeting on Saturday organized in the greatest secrecy by Ukraine and bringing together several countries, including some that remained neutral after the Russian invasion, to discuss ways to achieve “lasting peace”.

Very few details have filtered upstream. If the Danish diplomacy observes absolute silence on this meeting, a senior American official indicated that the national security adviser of the White House, Jake Sullivan, would participate.

“Denmark has graciously agreed to host this meeting in Copenhagen,” the source told AFP.

The objective of this meeting, according to a Western official: to discuss the means of achieving a “just and lasting peace”.

Alongside representatives of countries that have supported Ukraine since the Russian invasion of February 2022, the European Union is also sending senior officials with the aim of providing Kiev with the support of countries that are still neutral in this matter.

“We have worked very hard in the G7 on a formula for peace,” a senior European diplomatic source told reporters. “So the idea is to go beyond that and involve key players like Brazil, India” who should be represented in Copenhagen.

“We hope, and frankly wish, that China will be there,” she added.


“At this very moment, Celso Amorim (advisor to the president on foreign policy, editor’s note) is in Copenhagen where he is taking part in a meeting with several other countries to try to start peace talks,” said the Brazilian president. Lula da Silva during a press conference on Saturday morning.

South Africa’s Director General of Foreign Affairs, Zane Dangor, will also be there, said Clayson Monyela, spokesman for the South African Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Citing sources close to the project, the Financial Times said the meeting could also include officials from Turkey, a NATO member which has maintained good relations with the Kremlin.

India, Brazil and South Africa are part of the BRICS bloc alongside also China and Russia, and none of the three has signed on to Western sanctions against Moscow.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was in Washington on Thursday, which has been trying to isolate Moscow since the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The informal talks in Denmark are not expected to result in an official statement but are seen as a milestone for a summit on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s peace plan.

This summit, the date of which has not yet been set but which could be held in Copenhagen or Paris during the summer, must be “substantially” prepared, according to the EU, which is seeking to cast a wide net.

“We consider it fundamental to have the broadest possible support from the international community,” said the senior European diplomat.

Obtaining new support is crucial for kyiv, whose counter-offensive that began in early June has so far only resulted in modest gains.

This week, the second conference for the reconstruction of Ukraine, organized in London, made it possible to mobilize 60 billion euros for the benefit of the country, in ruins after more than a year of conflict.

06/24/2023 16:41:30 – Copenhagen (AFP) – © 2023 AFP

#Ukraine #holds #peace #meeting #Denmark

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