Ukraine, Moscow relaunches the Fact and the East-West rift returns to Italy

by time news

After the controversy over the article shared by the Russian embassy, ​​the response to Barbara Spinelli

What will theoutcome of the war in Ukraine at the moment no one can know. However, one thing can already be said: the conflict has awakened the strong ideological sentiments pro or anti-Russia and pro or anti NATO that have characterized politics and journalism in Italy since the Second World War.

It was a stir the article of the ex-Honorable Barbara Spinelli in “Il Fatto Quotidiano” of last February 26th. In her speech, Spinelli gave the impression of having a certain “understanding” for the Russian narrative of the conflict according to which the real responsibility lies with NATO. The Alliance would be guilty of allegedly failed promises of non-enlargement and one absence of “empathy” towards Russian fears. To corroborate this thesis, Spinelli cites various historical scenarios which, according to her, would prove that today’s accusations against Putin are excessively severe. They range from the ubiquitous Cuban crisis to Kennedy’s time to the alleged 2014 coup in Ukraine through the war in the former Yugoslavia.

The article really liked theRussian embassy in Italy which, in a burst of journalistic passion and (perhaps) camaraderie, did not fail to support the author.

Beyond the controversy, the piece by the Honorable Spinelli offers many food for thought interesting. The problem is that some of the analyzes also arouse strong perplexity.

To begin with the Russian resentment thesis for NATO “encirclement” in itself it would show limits right from the start. To what extent can this be used as a pretext for what is in effect unjustified aggression as well as a violation of a country’s sovereignty? If we used yardsticks based on historical and cultural sensitivity in the face of alleged wrongs and / or threats we would have to justify any aggression. Far-right theorists could use the punitive peace of Versailles against Germany after World War 1 to downplay the violence of Hitler’s expansionism. Or American neo-conservative theorists could exploit the “theoretical fear” of a potential future bond between Saddam Hussein and terrorist groups to justify the illegal US aggression of 2003.

Looking at the facts, Ukraine’s accession to NATO seems to have always been much more vague than Moscow would have us believe. The project has been at a standstill for years and the US has never shown any hurry before 2014 even before 2014. Not only that, recently they have made it clear that Kiev is not of particular strategic importance for them. The myth of NATO aggression against Russia seems to be partially denied even by some episodes of the last year. Following the enlargement of NATO, the NATO-Russia Council was created in which the two actors collaborated and discussed common problems. This aspect is not secondary as it suggests that there was also a willingness on the part of the Alliance to confront and agree with the powerful neighbor. Along with this initiative, up until the first Russian aggression on Ukraine in 2014, there were very few US troops in the Warsaw Pact countries and few armaments, so much so that several American military experts have often said that in the event of a Russian attack, the Baltic countries would not be defensible. .

More interesting instead is thePutin’s opposition to Kiev joining the EU. The European Union is not a military alliance, it shouldn’t be a danger. Yet the new Tsar also opposes this. Because? There is a strong suspicion that Putin’s real problem may be the fact that a Ukraine more linked to Europe (or even the EU) democratizes and improves its economic situation, exactly as happened with the countries of the former Pact of Warsaw already part of the Union. By doing so, could Kiev become a dangerous example for the Russians themselves? Perhaps, but this interesting aspect of the story is ignored in Spinelli’s piece.

Another ironic point of the article is when the author dwells on NATO’s alleged failed promises not to expand to the East. To tell the truth, Mr Spinelli acknowledges that there have never been any written agreements to this effect (which, however, has not recently). But you speak of verbal promises made by various NATO leaders in the early 90s. This is true, however it should be remembered that in the following years many things happened in Europe. Things that then pushed events in a different direction from what was initially thought. I am referring to the fact that the former Warsaw Pact countries later asked, almost begged, for entry into NATO. These nations were not forced to enter, they strongly wanted it. At this point it would be necessary to reflect, a consideration that goes far beyond Spinelli’s article and that in Italy has never really been made. Why is it that those who have had anything to do with the Russians hate them and ask for Western help? There is a lot of sensitivity to Russian concerns but none to those of its neighbors. The Russians have many reasons to fear aggression from the west, history is full of them. Unfortunately, their neighbors too have little reason to be afraid of Russian aggression, even here history teaches. Where does the right to security of one political entity end and that of another begin? Unfortunately, the article of IL Fatto does not help to explain it. Too bad, a missed opportunity. If we talk about agreements not respected, it should be remembered that at the moment the only written agreement violated is that of 1994 with which Russia guaranteed respect for Ukrainian independence in exchange for the renunciation of nuclear warheads on its territory. Russia has already violated this agreement 2 times (2014 and 2022).

But the highlight of the article is when the Honorable Spinelli It “reproaches” the West for not having created an adequate world order after the end of the cold war. The concept of world order is highly controversial. In a recent article in the magazine Foreign Affairs Michael Beckley even argues that world orders are not created for the achievement of a sort of perpetual peace but against a specific geopolitical subject. Certainly the West has made many mistakes since the end of the Cold War. The fact is that a world order is not done alone, everyone should make a contribution. Unfortunately, this contribution from Russia and China, net of the victimist propaganda, is hard to see. We have listened to general calls for a world order that respects the sovereignties of countries. Too bad that Moscow and Beijing are the first not to respect this concept. Ukraine does not appear to be entitled to its sovereignty when deciding its foreign policy. Beijing is no different when it threatens Taiwan or when it grabs stretches of sea also claimed by its neighbors in contempt of a 2016 Hague International Court ruling that has already condemned China for this.

The article then continues with others examples of bad Western bad faith to the detriment of poor Russia. For example, we cite the case of Soviet missiles in Cuba opposed by the Americans. Different case, since it must be remembered that at that juncture the missiles were already there. Fortunately not in Ukraine.

Or again the inevitable rreferral to Ex-Yugoslavia as the first real violation of European borders after the war. Unfortunately, the article fails to mention how that country’s borders were violated well before the first NATO intervention in 1995 and that no Alliance country annexed a Balkan territory.

As for the alleged coup in Ukraine in 2014 it is difficult to give a clear judgment. The handover to power certainly did not happen in a normal way. However, can we really classify a large and impressive street movement like that of Maidan as a simple coup? Hard.

Judging the current events in Ukraine is not easy. On one thing the Honorable Spinelli is perfectly right; one must have a balanced judgment and not shout the words in anger. To have a balanced judgment it is necessary to observe the facts in their completeness and totality.

And perhaps it would be of little importance if this did not arouse complacency on the part of the Russian Embassy.


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