ukraine refugee: Ukraine-Russia war … UN Council shocking information! – united nation organization said ahocking information about ukraine russia war

by time news
Ukraine, one of Russia’s neighbors, has made efforts to join NATO. Russia felt that if Ukraine’s initiative paid off, it would pose a political and security threat to itself from European countries. So Ukraine has been constantly insisting that it should not join the NATO system.

But Russia went to war with Ukraine, outraged by Ukraine’s disregard for Russia’s demands. The Ukraine-Russia war has been going on for almost two months.

During this period, tens of thousands of Ukrainians lost their lives and property in Russian attacks targeting residential areas in Ukraine.

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In this context, a UN report on Ukraine has sent shockwaves through the world.

The UN says more than 50 lakh people, including women and children, have fled Ukraine as a result of the war with Russia. The council’s refugee division said.

The United Nations says refugees from Ukraine have taken refuge in Romania, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and Moldova.

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