Ukraine strikes back: troops enter the city of Kupyansk | Ukraine strikes back: troops enter Kupyansk city

by time news

Kiev: The Russian army has been shocked by the counterattacks by Ukraine in recent days, which has been holding on to the war for more than six months.

The Ukrainian army announced that it entered the city of Kupyansk, which was previously under Russian control, and inflicted a heavy blow. The recapture of the city, a key source of arms and supplies for the Russian army, will boost Ukrainian forces’ confidence.

Ukrainian Special Forces have released pictures of troops in the city through social media. This week marks Russia’s biggest setback since being forced to withdraw troops from Kiev in April.

UK defense officials say Ukraine has retaken 50km. War experts are predicting that Ukraine will recapture more areas in the coming days. They demanded more weapons from the West.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi said that they are gradually taking control of more areas and that the forces will be able to protect the people and fly the national flag.

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