Ukraine, that’s why NATO has not yet detached Russia from Swift

by time news

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi

The gas exchange between Russia and Germany and Italy and the black list US

The onslaught of the Russia against theUkraine sparked a wave of inquiries from Kievto the Western allies to completely isolate the Russia from the global financial system, but the fear of collateral damage is limiting moves in this regard for now even if there have been harsh sanctions from USA, UK and European Union. It Swift, the nuclear bomb of international financial markets from the Then it was not dropped on the Russia, one of the reasons that supported investor purchases yesterday a Wall Street on the day of the Russian military invasion of Ukraine and today at European stock exchangesIncluding Moscow while the army of Vladimir Putin bombs the capital Kiev.

sanctions Russia Vladimir Putin Joe Biden

The hypothesis of blocking Russian access to the interbank transaction system Swift for now it has remained a dead letter. The problem is that the measure would penalize the European countries themselvesespecially those addicted to Russian gasbecause they would come directly undermine energy trading. So much so that Germany e Italy at last night’s extraordinary European Council they were against, positions which were joined by that of the American president Joe Biden, because any violation of the Swift by companies, institutions and organizations would also mean inclusion in black list of the US Department of the Treasury with the consequent iinability to make dollar transactions O work on the stars and stripes market.

“The sanctions that we have approved, and those that we could approve in the future, require us to carefully consider the impact on our economy”, explained the Italian prime minister. Mario Draghiduring the urgent information to the Chamber this morning on the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, underlining how “the greatest concern concerns the energy sector, which has already been hit by the rises in recent months: about 45% of the gas we import comes from Russia, up from 27% ten years ago“. As if to say: breaking away from Moscow now would trigger interruptions in supplies and ricnari that we cannot afford.

Thus, while the Russian army penetrates the suburbs of the Ukrainian capital and the president of Kiev Volodymyr Zelensky asks about Twitter that “sanctions must be further strengthened”, complaining that he has been left alone to defend his state while the world continues to observe what happens in Ukraine from afar, the picture is creating embarrassment among NATO allies in the G7 and among European countries themselves.

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The British Prime Minister, Boris Johnsonin a virtual meeting of the leaders of the G7 he supported the idea of ​​excluding Russia from the payment system linking world banks, joining a chorus of other senior officials, including those of Ukraine, the foreign ministers of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, and US lawmakers.

And the British Minister of Defense, Ben Wallace remarked today to the Bbc that the London government “works 24 hours” to try to get Russia expelled from the crucial system Swiftconfirming the clear position already expressed yesterday in Parliament by Johnson, and also married today by the leader of the Labor opposition, Keir Starmer.

(He follows…)

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