Ukraine Ticker. Attacks in Donbas repelled +++ 9 escape corridors in eastern Ukraine.

by time news

According to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Moscow does not have the courage to admit its misguided policy towards its neighbor. “They are afraid to admit that for decades they have taken wrong positions and spent colossal resources to support human zeros they wanted to build as future heroes of the Ukrainian-Russian friendship,” Zelenskyy said in his daily video address on Sunday evening.

Moscow’s attempt to build up its own people in Ukraine did not work. Because these people “were only practiced in stuffing money from Russia into their own pockets”. And to cover up these mistakes, new mistakes were made. But in doing so, Russia deprived itself of all political instruments and finally started this war.

In addition, Russia is trying to shift the blame for everything onto Ukraine. “They seized Crimea, we are supposedly to blame for that,” said Zelenskyy. «They destroyed every normal life in Donbass, we are allegedly to blame for that. They’ve been killing people in our country for eight years, they say it’s our fault.” This also applies to the destruction of the strongest economic region in Eastern Europe and the destruction of the lives of millions of people. “And finally they started a full-scale war against us, and again it’s our fault.” And all this out of “pure cowardice,” summed up Zelenskyj.

“And when cowardice increases, it turns into a catastrophe,” said the head of state. “When people lack the courage to admit mistakes, to apologize, to adapt to reality, they turn into monsters,” he said, referring to the leadership in the Kremlin. “And when the world ignores this, the monsters decide that the world must adapt to them.” Nevertheless, the day will come when Russia will have to admit the truth.

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